Saturday, February 9, 2013

Astral Travel/Sal Mineo article Modern Screen a Hollywood magazine

God at his discretion can give supernatural spiritual experiences to Christians. Any miracle performed by a Christian is performed in the name of Jesus Christ, it is performed in submission to God and by God's power, not any power of the Christian himself.

You should pray about it. If your spirit is troubled by the practice of lucid dreams and what they could possibly lead to, then don't do it. That troubled feeling in your spirit is the Holy Spirit warning you. Also, think about the fact that everything you do, whether it be something mundane like breathing or something more intricate like standing for a cause, is made to serve one of two masters. So ask yourself, "How does lucid dreaming serve the kingdom of God?" if you can't answer that, then don't do it. If you can answer that, just make sure your reasoning lines up with scripture.


This movie is called Insidious.  It is about a multi generational family who astral travels.  Spoiler: Their son is stuck on the astral plane they call it 'the further'

""Insidious" is the terrifying story of a family who shortly after moving discover that dark spirits have possessed their home and that their son has inexplicably fallen into a coma. Trying to escape the haunting and save their son, they move again only to realize that it was not their house that was haunted."


Michael Relfe, Mars Records

 "I renounce astral projection, soul & out of body travel & other demonic skills. In the name of my Lord and Savior and Deliverer Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We come against and bind the strong man Prince ruling spirit & all spirit guides associated w/ (specific name or coven). We right now bind all psychic heredity that was inherited through the bloodlines of these (this) witch(es) & ask you Lord Jesus to seal the third eye through which they see into the occult realm we also ask you Father that you would restrain them from astral projection & that their cursing come back upon their own heads as your Word declares."


Astral projection, is apparently one of the ways they meet up to plan for the nw@

Fritz S.

"The Gamma programming is the secret layering in of demons. However one wants to describe these demons--the victim has to deal with their "reality". The ceremonies to demonize the victim occur even before they are born. Generational spirits are very
important to determine how the Programmers program a person. But this 10th science goes way beyond just demonology, because it deals with the fundamental issues that effect our views of God, our fellowship with Almighty God, and our view of the occult sciences of astral projection, ESP, telepathy, etc."

"Whether the therapist believes in demonology or not, if the therapist deprograms a client and then finds out that the deeper parts have undone the work via the astral plane, the therapist should look into how to manage this problem. This type of reprogramming rarely needs to occur because few slaves are ever even partially deprogrammed.

One of the most skilled programmers of Astral Projection is the Programmer B. Bowers. He is known nationally for this skill. He worked with the famous Manly P. Hall, who also had a reputation in the Illuminati for Astral Projection. Astral projection is accomplished by a focused trance where the spirit by demonic power leaves the body and travels to a particular point. Grand Masters within the Illuminati can give lessons to students on the astral plane.

Much of their Illuminati occult learning, according to some Illuminati slaves was done on the astral plane. We will discuss several methods on how this is done. The traditional druidic method (the three stepping stone method) to teach astral projection called "spirit flight" . . ."

Brice Taylor Thanks for the Memories

"Non-biological "twinning" is yet another bizarre feature observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non-related children (the 2 Cory's?) (would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical "soul-bonding" ritual so they might be "inseparably paired for eternity" (possibly another Mengele connection?). They essentially share two halves of the programmed information, making them interdependent upon one another. Paranormal phenomenon such as astral projection, telepathy, ESP, etc. appear to be more pronounced between those who have undergone this process."

So my friend has a small collection of these vintage Hollywood magazines. This story comes from "Modern Screen" April 1961. This story covers witchcraft/astral travel/potions & cannibalism. He was in several movies including "Rebel w/o a Cause" 1955 w/ James Dean.

"This is one of the weirdest love stories we have ever heard. It takes place in a world where love is literally black magic. Sal Mineo & the love-witch of Fiji.

It all began when I woke up one morning about 4:00 am in my bedroom w/ one of the most excruciating headaches I have ever known. I was at home in Larchmont, & I had been dreaming of a picture. When the fog cleared a little I found that I could see it clearly, in every detail. It was a portrait of a young girl, & she was very beautiful but completely unknown to me. The dream was so compelling that I felt completely awake in a matter of seconds,& almost miraculously the headache vanished. I got out of bed & went into my studio, where I got out a drawing pad & reproduced the face as I thought I remembered it from the dream.

Then I went back to bed & to sleep. Next morning I looked at the sketch & couldn’t recognize it as anyone I’d ever seen in my life. Time passed; the sketch was buried under other papers; I went to Hollywood to make a film & when it was finished, I went to Australia for a personal appearance tour. On the way back, we were heading for Fiji to refuel & continue toward home. It was a week before I got out of Fiji. I made three tries. One after another, something happened to the plane & in all three instances (and I have never talked about this, even to my mother ) it could have been serious & dangerous. Each time we were forced to turn back. On one plane, both the propeller & one of the motors fell off, but fortunately we were just a few feet above the takeoff strip. When the third plane failed to get up, I said, “This is it. I’m going to wait a week until Fate calms down a bit.”

So I stayed in Fiji at a guest house w/ my brother Mike who’d been on the trip w/ me. The English authorities were very kind & cooperative, & one of them suggested we might like to take a run out to Koralevu, which is a well known resort on Fiji (well - known to Australians & people all over the East Indies, that is).

In Koralevu I encountered a world I never expected to know. Far away from the commercial entertainment places, I squatted in decrepit tents & sipped a horrible beverage made w/ dank leaves, water & milk & some kind of alcohol. It tasted like kerosene w/ overtones of anisette, & Mike & I were very cautious about it particularly after we noticed its effect on the natives around us. Head hunters beat frenziedly on native drums, & wild animals howled outside in the night jungle while our guide casually informed us that a real cannibal had been caught the week previously. As an afterthought, he recommend that Mike & I shouldn’t take any walks after dark.

But in Koralevu, after just one “kerosene” cocktail, I began to respond to the native music & to enjoy watching the group of young native dancing girls, until my eye fell on one of them, & literally my blood went cold.

Even more startling, it seemed that she recognized me. When the dance was finished, she came over to me as naturally as though she had known me always. She spoke almost no English, but our English friend & guide interpreted. Her name was Lani. She was about seventeen, daughter of a chieftain & betrothed to the son of another chieftain & she was a fan of mine! She had collected my pictures from old fan magazines & even seen some of my movies.

I had a few dates w/ her swimming & sitting together at native entertainments. She begged me to take her to America, but warned me the only way she could go was if we were married. After one sight of her six foot fiancĂ©, I couldn’t wait for the plane to get home.

Finally, Mike & I got back to Larchmont. I went straight upstairs, hunted out that month-old sketch & took a good look. There was no doubt: it was Lani.

Maybe there’s an explanation & maybe I was just superstitious but the whole thing was just too eerie for me. Without understanding why, I took that picture down to the cellar, opened the furnace door & laid it on the coals. Fire, they say, purifies & exorcises. I’m not calling Lani a witch, but if she could enter my dreams from across the world, I thought I’d feel better if she were out of my life forever.

But I was too sure of myself - because there was another night when I awoke w/ a splitting headache, to realize I had seen Lani again. This time the picture was different. Misty-eyed, she was unsmiling & a single tear traveled slowly down her face before the portrait faded away. I have never dreamed of Lani since. . . .End."

Via Dave McGowan (Strange But Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon)

"What do Diane Linkletter (daughter of famed entertainer Art Linkletter), legendary comedian Lenny Bruce, screen idol Sal Mineo, starlet Inger Stevens, and silent film star Ramon Novarro, all have in common?

If you answered that all were found dead in their homes, either in or at the mouth of Laurel Canyon, in the decade between 1966 and 1976, then award yourself five points. If you added that all five were, in all likelihood, murdered in their Laurel Canyon homes, then add five bonus points."


" . . . These icons were, to an overwhelming degree, the sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and the scions of families that have wielded vast wealth and power in this country for a very long time. Are we to believe that the only kids from that era who had musical talent were the sons and daughters of Navy Admirals, chemical warfare engineers and Air Force intelligence officers? Or are they just the only ones who were signed to lucrative contracts and relentlessly promoted by their labels and the media?

Why did Jim Morrison never denounce, or even mention, his father’s key role in escalating one of America’s bloodiest illegal wars?

Why did Frank Zappa never pen a song exploring the horrors of chemical warfare?

CoIntelPro. Entire books, for example, have been written examining how presumably virtuous musical artists were subjected to FBI harassment and/or whacked by the CIA."

“what if the musicians themselves (and various other leaders and founders of the ‘movement’) were every bit as much a part of the intelligence community as the people who were supposedly harassing them?”

cynical exercise in discrediting and marginalizing the budding anti-war movement and creating a fake opposition that could be easily controlled and led astray?

the harassment these folks were subjected to was largely a stage-managed show designed to give the leaders of the counterculture some much-needed ‘street cred’? What if, in reality, they were pretty much all playing on the same team?

“Some on the left even theorized that the hippies were the end result of a plot by the CIA to neutralize the anti-war movement with LSD, turning potential protestors into self-absorbed naval-gazers.” An exasperated Abbie Hoffman once described the scene as he remembered it thusly: “There were all these activists, you know, Berkeley radicals, White Panthers … all trying to stop the war and change things for the better. Then we got flooded with all these ‘flower children’ who were into drugs and sex. Where the hell did the hippies come from?!”

Jerry Brown

longtime resident of a little place called Laurel Canyon

Brown lived on Wonderland Avenue, not too many doors down from 8763 Wonderland Avenue, the site of the infamous “Four on the Floor” murders

the murders of Stephen Parent, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, just a couple miles to the west of Laurel Canyon – had deep ties to the Laurel Canyon scene as well.

Folger and Frykowski lived in Laurel Canyon, at 2774 Woodstock Road,

Victim Jay Sebring’s acclaimed hair salon sat right at the mouth of Laurel Canyon, just below the Sunset Strip, and it was Sebring, alas, who was credited with sculpting Jim Morrison’s famous mane. One of the investors in his Sebring International business venture was a Laurel Canyon luminary who I may have mentioned previously, Mr. John Phillips.

Many of the regular visitors to Cass Elliot’s home, including a number of shady drug dealers, were also regular visitors to the Folger/Frykowski home

Sharon Tate was also well known in Laurel Canyon, where she was a frequent visitor to the homes of friends like John Phillips, Cass Elliott, and Abby Folger.

The alleged killers also lived in and/or were very much a part of the Laurel Canyon scene. Bobby “Cupid” Beausoleil, for example, lived in a Laurel Canyon apartment during the early months of 1969. Charles “Tex” Watson, who allegedly led the death squad responsible for the carnage at Cielo Drive, lived for a time in a home on – guess where? – Wonderland Avenue.

Watson co-owned and worked in a wig shop in Beverly Hills, Crown Wig Creations, Ltd., that was located near the mouth of Benedict Canyon.

Sebring’s Benedict Canyon home, at 9820 Easton Drive, was a rather infamous Hollywood death house that had once belonged to Jean Harlow and Paul Bern.

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