Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fallen Angels/Planets/Lion King

I've always loved this movie. This scene popped into my head when thinking about Pleiades/Orion.

We find in the Book of Job & Amos:

Job 9:9
Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
Job 9:8-10 (in Context) Job 9 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
Job 38:31
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Job 38:30-32 (in Context) Job 38 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations
Amos 5:8
Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD is his name:
Amos 5:7-9 (in Context) Amos 5 (Whole Chapter) Other Translations 

 I thought of this scene 1:40 on . . .hmmmm



Also remember this scene?  Start watching at 7:40, when they talk about the planets Timon saying he knows what they are fire flies (! fallen angels!?) that got stuck up in the big blue splat thing & Pumba saying oh gee I always thought they were big balls of gas . . .& of course when Timon says at 8:29 "you mean there's a bunch of royal dead guys watching us".


Ok now that the ground work is layed . . .They are going to blow your mind, their claims are well, like nothing we've heard before . . .I will just give you a bit, you will have to listen & discern on your own.

"If you believe those planets exist you've been compromised by fallen angels do you want the good news or the bad news? The good news they don't exist (wow, huh, ok have to sit on that one & watch the rest of the vids). These are the same deities worshiped in Rome & Greece. They don't exist at all . . . "

I'm on part 4, this is all a keeper, I'm going to have to add this to my album. . . .Did you ever think Lion King (& Jack & the Beanstalk, etc etc etc) could possibly tell you the truth!? Ha sure ya did, if you follow any of my posts . . . they always layer in the untold truth in movies/books etc.

Combat in the Heavenly Realm/Astral Travel

The Bible Prophecy Archive

I want to share with you from a testimony of someone who was saved, someone who had been serving the devil. And when that man gave his testimony, it so challenged me, I did not want to believe it. I had to go ten days before the Lord in fasting, asking Him, And it was at that time the Lord began to teach me what happens in the spiritual realm when we pray.

This man was born after his parents dedicated themselves to Lucifer. When he was still in the womb, they made so many rituals dedicating him to serve Lucifer. When he was four years old, he began to exercise his spiritual power. And his parents began fearing him. When he was six
years, his father surrendered him to the witches to go and be trained. And by ten years, he was doing great things in the kingdom of the devil. He was feared by the normal witches. He was still a young boy, but he was so terrible in the things he did. He grew up to be a young man in his twenties with so much bloodshed on his hands. Killed at will. He had the ability to go out of his body through transcendental meditation. And he could levitate. Sometimes his body would lift off the ground and stay in the air. And sometimes he could go into a trance, and come out of his body; his body would remain behind, and he would go out into the world, called astral-travelling. And this guy was used by Satan to destroy so many churches, to break down so many churches and to destroy so many pastors.

One day, he was assigned to destroy a church that was so full of prayer. There were so many divisions in this church, and so many confusions. And he began to work on this church. But at that time, the pastor called a fast for the whole church. And the church began to fast, and during the fasting, there was a lot of repentance and a lot of reconciliation. And the people came together, and they began to pray for the work of the Lord in their midst. And they continued interceding and crying to God to have mercy and intervene in their lives.

And as the days went by, this man was coming again and again with demon spirits against this church. But there was a word of prophecy that came telling the Christians to rise up and to wage warfare against the powers of darkness that were attacking the church. So one day, this man leaves his body in his room and goes astral-travelling and leads a mighty force of demonic spirits against this church.

Now this is his testimony. He was moving in the spirit in the air over the church and they were trying to attack, but there was a covering of light over the church.

And suddenly, there was an army of angels that attacked them and there was fighting in the air, and all the demons fled, but he was arrested. Arrested by whom? The angels! And he saw himself being held by about six angels, and they brought him through the roof right before the altar. And there he was. And the people were praying. They were deep in prayer in spiritual warfare, binding and breaking and casting out. And the pastor was on the platform leading the prayers and the warfare. And the Spirit of the Lord spoke to the pastor, and said, And he opened his eyes and he saw this young man, who had collapsed there. His body was with him. He was in his body.

The young man says he doesn't know how his body joined him; he had left it in his house. But there he was in his body, and he didn't know how he had entered in except the angel had carried him through the roof. Now these things are difficult to believe, but the pastor silenced the church and told the church what the Lord had told him and asked the young man, The young man was trembling, and the demons began coming out of him. So they prayed for deliverance, and afterwards, he began to share his life.

That young man has now come to the Lord and is now an evangelist, preaching the Gospel. And he is being used by the Lord mightily in setting other people free in the ministry of deliverance. But one night, I went to a dinner, and the sole reason I went is that someone told me about this young man, and I was so curious to see him. So I sat at that dinner and sometime in the evening, this man was given the chance to give his testimony. And he talked about so many things. Sometimes he cried because of the things he did. And then as he finished, he made an appeal. There were so many pastors in that room.

And he said, The people who don't pray can be taken in anything, in anything by the devil, and there are ways that the enemy exploits their lives and their prayers. People who don't know how to pray, they literally pray, and the enemy knows even how to exploit their prayers. We're going to talk about that. 

Then he began to give a testimony of how he used to lead expositions into the air. He would go with other satanic agents and lots of demon spirits into the air. It was like a shift, you've got to go and work your shift. So regularly he had a time he had to go and wage war in the heavenlies. And he said that in the Heavenlies, in the spiritual realm, if the land is covered under the blanket of darkness, that blanket is so thick, it is like a rock. And it covers the whole area. And these
spirits are able to go on top of this as well as below this blanket. And from that level, they influence the events on earth.

Both evil spirits and human agents that are serving the devil and when they leave their shifts they go down on earth at the points of covenant, even waters or on the land at the points of covenant for refreshing of their spirit. And how do they refresh their spirit? By the sacrifices that people give at these altars. They could be sacrifices in open witchcraft, they could be sacrifices in bloodshed of all types including abortion, including warfare and human sacrifices and animal sacrifices. They could be sacrifices of sexual immorality where people go into sexual perversions and all kinds of promiscuity. And that act services the strength of these powers. And many are the different types of sacrifices.

He talked about lots of things which really troubled my mind. He said when they are up there and the Christians begin to pray on earth, the prayers of the Christians appear to them in three forms.

All prayers appear like smoke that is rising up into the heavens, and he says that some prayers appear like smoke and they go meandering and disappear in the air. He says that the people who normally pray like that and their prayers disappear are people who have sin in their lives and they are not willing to deal with it. Their prayers are so weak, they are blown and they disappear in the air.

And he said there are others whose prayers are like smoke that rises up until it reaches this rock, but it does not break through the rock. He says, usually these are who try to purify themselves, but they lack the faith in what they are doing as they pray. And usually they ignore the other keys to use; areas that they need to put together in prayer.

It says that the third type of prayer is like smoke that is filled with fire. And as it rises up, it is so hot that as it reaches the rock, the rock begins to melt like wax and it pierces that rock and goes through, and he said many times, people begin to pray and their prayers are like the first type of prayer, but as they continue praying, their prayers change and become like the second prayer. And as they continue praying, suddenly there is suddenly fire that is filling their prayers. And their prayers become so powerful, they pierce through the rock.

And he said, many times would they notice the prayers of the saints changing and coming very close to the state of fire, they communicate to other spirits on earth and they tell them,

And many times so many Christians yield to these distractions. They are pressing through, they are repenting. They are allowing the Word to check their spirit up. Faith has been building up. Their prayers are becoming more focused. Then the devil sees their prayers are gaining strength and the distractions begin. Telephones ring. Sometimes we, in the middle of very, very intense prayer, the telephone rings and you think you can go to answer the phone and then come back and continue praying. When you come back, you go back to the beginning. And that's
what the devil wants. Other kinds of distractions come your way, even if it means touching your body and bringing some pain somewhere. Even if it means making you hungry and you want to go to the kitchen and fix something to eat. As long as they can get you out of that place, they,
have defeated you.

And he will say to the pastors,
in this kind of prayer and allow themselves to be inspired in the spirit and keep going and keep going, something happens in the spirit. The fire touches that rock, and it melts.

And this man said when the melting begins, it is so hot, no demon spirit can stand it. No human spirit can stand it. They all flee. They all run away. There comes an opening in the spiritual realm. And as soon as this comes, all this trouble in prayer stops. The person who is praying on the ground just feels like prayer is suddenly so smooth, so enjoy some and so powerful and intense.

And I've discovered at that moment, we normally lose consciousness of time and other things. Not that we become disorderly. God takes care of our time. But it is like you lay down everything, and you hook up with God.

And this man said that when the prayers go through, from that moment there can be no resistance at all, and the person praying will continue as long as he wants. There is no resistance that can stop him. And then he said, after he finishes praying, the hole remains open, and he said that people, when they rise out of their place of prayer, and they walk out, this open hole moves along with them. They are no longer operating under the blanket. They are operating under open heavens. And he said in that state, the devil cannot do what he wants against them. And the presence of the Lord is like a pillar from heaven resting on their lives. They are protected, and there is so much power inside that pillar that as they move around, that presence touches other people. It discerns what the enemy has done in other people. And as they talk to people and those people are standing with them, they come inside this pillar. And as long as they stay inside that pillar, all the bondages of the enemy weaken. So when these people who have this spiritual
break-through share Jesus Christ with the sinners, their resistance is low. It is so easy to bring them through. When! They pray for the sick or pray about things, the presence which is there makes all the difference.

And this man said the devil hates such people. And it said if there are places where prayer is regularly being prayed through like that, the presence comes upon that place and does not leave. So even the people who don't know God, when they come into this place suddenly all the
bondages are weakened. And if someone cared to just minister to them patiently and with love, they can easily be pulled through, not by power nor by might but by the Spirit of God, who is present.

And he said, if no one bothers about these people, they come into his presence, they feel convicted, they begin to debate whether to yield or not, but if they are not pulled through, when they walk away from this place, bondages get stronger. And the devil tries his best not to allow
them to come back into such an environment.

You can imagine we were all seated looking at this man. He was telling us the things he used to do and what he used to see. Then he told us what they would do to people who have broken through in prayer. He said they marked such people; they studied such people. They dug up everything they could find about such people. So they knew their weaknesses, and when someone overcomes them in prayer and breaks through, they communicate with other spirits and say,

So when this person walks out of the prayer closet, the spirit of prayer is upon him, the presence is upon him, his spirits are high, the joy of the Lord is his strength. As he moves the enemy tries to bring those things that can distract him from focusing on the Lord. If his weakness
is in the area of temper, then the enemy is going to cause people to do things which can make him really angry. And if he is not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and he allows himself to go into the temper, he takes his eyes off the Lord. He gets angry, he feels so furious, and after a few minutes later, he wants to put that behind him and move along in the joy of the Lord, but he doesn't feel it anymore. He tries to feel good again; he doesn't feel any good again. Why? As he yielded to the temptation, they worked hard to close the door upstairs. And once they restore the rock, the presence is cut off. The person does not cease being a child of God. But that extra anointing that goes on his life, that presence that could do things without his manipulating anything, it's just cut off.

They seek out where the weaknesses are. If it is in the temptation to sexuality, the enemy will prepare people, events, something that will suddenly draw out that passion to go towards that temptation. And if that man yields to this temptation and opens up his mind to receive these thoughts, entertains them, when he is through with everything and wants to move again in the anointing, he just discovers! it is no longer there.

Maybe you say, Just remember what the Bible says, We normally do not see the position, the place of these weapons of warfare. But remember what Jesus told us to pray towards the end of the Lord?s prayer,

Every time you have a breakthrough in prayer, as you come to the end, remember you are still a weak human being. Remember you have not yet been perfected. Ask the Lord, say

God is able to do that. He is able. That is why sometimes things happen, all you need to say is, That's why Apostle Paul wrote in the book of Thessalonians and said,

Some things are not good. They are painful, and we wonder why God would allow it. But if only we knew what He is saving us from, we would thank Him. When we learn to trust the Lord, we just thank Him in everything.

Beloved, I don't know whether to go deeper because I do not want to start something I cannot finish. Let me just try to take one step forward. And this man said that when prayer breaks through like that, the answer will always come. He said he does not know a case where
prayer broke through and the answer did not come. He said the answer always came, but in most cases, it would never get to the person who asked. Why? Battle in the Heavenlies.

He says as long as they succeed in cutting off the open heavens and the rock is restored, they watch this person, they are waiting because they know the answer is definitely coming. And then this man spoke something that really shook my faith. It is because of the next part he shared that I went into fasting ten days to say, Lord, is this true? Can you prove it to me?

This man said that every Christian has got an angel serving that Christian. Now we know the Bible says angels are ministering spirits to us. He said that when people pray, the answer comes in the hands of the angel. The angel brings the answer like we can read it in the book of Daniel. Then he said something really tough; if the one who prays knows the spiritual armors and is clothed with them, the answer comes by an angel who is also clothed in full armor. if the one who prays doesn't care about spiritual armory, their angels come without spiritual armor. Christians who don't care about what kind of thoughts come into their minds. They don't fight the battle of their minds. Their angels come without the helmet. Whatever spiritual weapon you ignore on earth, the angel doesn't have it as he serves you. In other words, our spiritual armor is not protecting our physical bodies; it's protecting our spiritual exploits. This man said, when the angel is coming, they would focus and look at him and notice the areas which are not covered, and those are the areas they would attack. If he has no helmet, they would shoot at his head. If he has no breastplate, they would shoot at his chest. If he has no shoes, they would make a fire that he is walking in the fire.

Now I am just repeating what this man said. Actually, we asked him, And you know what he said to us? Remember this is a spiritual realm. These are spirits dealing with spirits.

The battle is intensive, and when they overpower an angel of God, the first thing they target is the answer he is carrying, and they get that from him, that is what they give through the cults, the witchcraft, and people say,

Remember what the Bible says in the book of James? All good things come from God. So where does the devil get the things he gives to his people? Some people who cannot have children, they go to witch doctor and satanists, and they get pregnant! Who gave them that baby? Is Satan a
creator? NO! He steals from those who don't pray to the end. Jesus said, And then He said, Will He find you still there waiting? Or will you have given up and the enemy would steal what you have prayed for?

Then this man said that they are not satisfied with just stealing the answer. They are also interested in detaining the angel. And they start fighting him. And he said sometimes they succeed in holding and binding the angel. And he says, when that happens, the Christian is a victim on earth. They can do anything with that Christian because he is totally left without ministry in the Spirit.

I said to him, This man did not even know the scriptures by the time he was saying all this. He did not know very many scriptures. He was just sharing his experiences. And he said, they wouldn't hold the angel too long because as other Christians prayed elsewhere, reinforcement would come, and the angels would go free. If the Christian responsible did not pray through, he remains a captive. Then the enemy sends his own angel as an angel of light to this person, and that is where the deceptions
come in. False visions and false prophecies. False leadership, I mean leading, guidance in the spirit, making wrong decisions of all types. And many times this person is open to all kinds of attack and bondages.

And I asked the Lord. I left that dinner so troubled, so troubled. I said, It removes all my confidence, my security. When I went to seek the Lord, it was ten days, the Lord did two things.

He did not only confirm the things I had heard, he opened my mind to see a lot more that this man could not tell us of what happens in the spiritual realm. And two, he led me to see what we are supposed to do as the things are happening so that we are not overcome but that we can

And we need to know three things and really come to terms with these three things.

One: how to operate with the weapons of our warfare. The Bible calls them the armor of God. It is not our armor; it is God's armor. When we use it, we allow God to fight on our behalf.

Two: understand the relationship of the ministering spirits, the angels, to our spiritual lives. And to be sensitive to what is happening in our hearts as a leading to what needs to be happening in the spirit concerning us. That brings us to the third thing.

Three: that is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not supposed to come as our servant, serving us and bringing things to us. He does not run to and fro to the Father to tell Him what we need. That is the work of angels. But He stands by our side. Doing what? Guiding us, teaching us, leading us, and helping us to pray the right way. And when these things are happening in the spiritual realm, He tells us, sometimes He wakes you up in the night and says, You say, And He says, Why? He sees what is happening in the spirit. Sometimes He says, You say, But He understands what is happening in the spiritual realm. We should learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. He guides us in the paths of righteousness.

An excerpt from a sermon by John Mulinde. John Mulinde is the founder and leader of World Trumpet Mission

TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED The 1930's 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's

First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us. 

They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.

Then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking.

As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags.

Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat.

We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle.

We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we weren't overweight because WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING!

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.

No one was able to reach us all day. And we were O.K.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, no video tape movies, no surround sound, no cell phones, no personal computers, no Internet or Internet chat rooms..........WE HAD FRIENDS and we went outside and found them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no lawsuits from these accidents.

We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt, and the worms did not live in us forever.

We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes.

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them!

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with disappointment. Imagine that!!

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law!

This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever!

The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.
We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned HOW TO DEAL WITH IT ALL!

You might want to share this with others who have had the luck to grow up as kids, before the lawyers and the government regulated our lives for our own good.

And while you are at it, forward it to your kids so they will know how brave their parents were.

Kind of makes you want to run through the house with scissors, doesn't it?!

Astral Travel/Sal Mineo article Modern Screen a Hollywood magazine

God at his discretion can give supernatural spiritual experiences to Christians. Any miracle performed by a Christian is performed in the name of Jesus Christ, it is performed in submission to God and by God's power, not any power of the Christian himself.

You should pray about it. If your spirit is troubled by the practice of lucid dreams and what they could possibly lead to, then don't do it. That troubled feeling in your spirit is the Holy Spirit warning you. Also, think about the fact that everything you do, whether it be something mundane like breathing or something more intricate like standing for a cause, is made to serve one of two masters. So ask yourself, "How does lucid dreaming serve the kingdom of God?" if you can't answer that, then don't do it. If you can answer that, just make sure your reasoning lines up with scripture.


This movie is called Insidious.  It is about a multi generational family who astral travels.  Spoiler: Their son is stuck on the astral plane they call it 'the further'

""Insidious" is the terrifying story of a family who shortly after moving discover that dark spirits have possessed their home and that their son has inexplicably fallen into a coma. Trying to escape the haunting and save their son, they move again only to realize that it was not their house that was haunted."


Michael Relfe, Mars Records

 "I renounce astral projection, soul & out of body travel & other demonic skills. In the name of my Lord and Savior and Deliverer Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We come against and bind the strong man Prince ruling spirit & all spirit guides associated w/ (specific name or coven). We right now bind all psychic heredity that was inherited through the bloodlines of these (this) witch(es) & ask you Lord Jesus to seal the third eye through which they see into the occult realm we also ask you Father that you would restrain them from astral projection & that their cursing come back upon their own heads as your Word declares."


Astral projection, is apparently one of the ways they meet up to plan for the nw@

Fritz S.

"The Gamma programming is the secret layering in of demons. However one wants to describe these demons--the victim has to deal with their "reality". The ceremonies to demonize the victim occur even before they are born. Generational spirits are very
important to determine how the Programmers program a person. But this 10th science goes way beyond just demonology, because it deals with the fundamental issues that effect our views of God, our fellowship with Almighty God, and our view of the occult sciences of astral projection, ESP, telepathy, etc."

"Whether the therapist believes in demonology or not, if the therapist deprograms a client and then finds out that the deeper parts have undone the work via the astral plane, the therapist should look into how to manage this problem. This type of reprogramming rarely needs to occur because few slaves are ever even partially deprogrammed.

One of the most skilled programmers of Astral Projection is the Programmer B. Bowers. He is known nationally for this skill. He worked with the famous Manly P. Hall, who also had a reputation in the Illuminati for Astral Projection. Astral projection is accomplished by a focused trance where the spirit by demonic power leaves the body and travels to a particular point. Grand Masters within the Illuminati can give lessons to students on the astral plane.

Much of their Illuminati occult learning, according to some Illuminati slaves was done on the astral plane. We will discuss several methods on how this is done. The traditional druidic method (the three stepping stone method) to teach astral projection called "spirit flight" . . ."

Brice Taylor Thanks for the Memories

"Non-biological "twinning" is yet another bizarre feature observed within MONARCH programming. For instance, two young non-related children (the 2 Cory's?) (would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical "soul-bonding" ritual so they might be "inseparably paired for eternity" (possibly another Mengele connection?). They essentially share two halves of the programmed information, making them interdependent upon one another. Paranormal phenomenon such as astral projection, telepathy, ESP, etc. appear to be more pronounced between those who have undergone this process."

So my friend has a small collection of these vintage Hollywood magazines. This story comes from "Modern Screen" April 1961. This story covers witchcraft/astral travel/potions & cannibalism. He was in several movies including "Rebel w/o a Cause" 1955 w/ James Dean.

"This is one of the weirdest love stories we have ever heard. It takes place in a world where love is literally black magic. Sal Mineo & the love-witch of Fiji.

It all began when I woke up one morning about 4:00 am in my bedroom w/ one of the most excruciating headaches I have ever known. I was at home in Larchmont, & I had been dreaming of a picture. When the fog cleared a little I found that I could see it clearly, in every detail. It was a portrait of a young girl, & she was very beautiful but completely unknown to me. The dream was so compelling that I felt completely awake in a matter of seconds,& almost miraculously the headache vanished. I got out of bed & went into my studio, where I got out a drawing pad & reproduced the face as I thought I remembered it from the dream.

Then I went back to bed & to sleep. Next morning I looked at the sketch & couldn’t recognize it as anyone I’d ever seen in my life. Time passed; the sketch was buried under other papers; I went to Hollywood to make a film & when it was finished, I went to Australia for a personal appearance tour. On the way back, we were heading for Fiji to refuel & continue toward home. It was a week before I got out of Fiji. I made three tries. One after another, something happened to the plane & in all three instances (and I have never talked about this, even to my mother ) it could have been serious & dangerous. Each time we were forced to turn back. On one plane, both the propeller & one of the motors fell off, but fortunately we were just a few feet above the takeoff strip. When the third plane failed to get up, I said, “This is it. I’m going to wait a week until Fate calms down a bit.”

So I stayed in Fiji at a guest house w/ my brother Mike who’d been on the trip w/ me. The English authorities were very kind & cooperative, & one of them suggested we might like to take a run out to Koralevu, which is a well known resort on Fiji (well - known to Australians & people all over the East Indies, that is).

In Koralevu I encountered a world I never expected to know. Far away from the commercial entertainment places, I squatted in decrepit tents & sipped a horrible beverage made w/ dank leaves, water & milk & some kind of alcohol. It tasted like kerosene w/ overtones of anisette, & Mike & I were very cautious about it particularly after we noticed its effect on the natives around us. Head hunters beat frenziedly on native drums, & wild animals howled outside in the night jungle while our guide casually informed us that a real cannibal had been caught the week previously. As an afterthought, he recommend that Mike & I shouldn’t take any walks after dark.

But in Koralevu, after just one “kerosene” cocktail, I began to respond to the native music & to enjoy watching the group of young native dancing girls, until my eye fell on one of them, & literally my blood went cold.

Even more startling, it seemed that she recognized me. When the dance was finished, she came over to me as naturally as though she had known me always. She spoke almost no English, but our English friend & guide interpreted. Her name was Lani. She was about seventeen, daughter of a chieftain & betrothed to the son of another chieftain & she was a fan of mine! She had collected my pictures from old fan magazines & even seen some of my movies.

I had a few dates w/ her swimming & sitting together at native entertainments. She begged me to take her to America, but warned me the only way she could go was if we were married. After one sight of her six foot fiancé, I couldn’t wait for the plane to get home.

Finally, Mike & I got back to Larchmont. I went straight upstairs, hunted out that month-old sketch & took a good look. There was no doubt: it was Lani.

Maybe there’s an explanation & maybe I was just superstitious but the whole thing was just too eerie for me. Without understanding why, I took that picture down to the cellar, opened the furnace door & laid it on the coals. Fire, they say, purifies & exorcises. I’m not calling Lani a witch, but if she could enter my dreams from across the world, I thought I’d feel better if she were out of my life forever.

But I was too sure of myself - because there was another night when I awoke w/ a splitting headache, to realize I had seen Lani again. This time the picture was different. Misty-eyed, she was unsmiling & a single tear traveled slowly down her face before the portrait faded away. I have never dreamed of Lani since. . . .End."

Via Dave McGowan (Strange But Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon)

"What do Diane Linkletter (daughter of famed entertainer Art Linkletter), legendary comedian Lenny Bruce, screen idol Sal Mineo, starlet Inger Stevens, and silent film star Ramon Novarro, all have in common?

If you answered that all were found dead in their homes, either in or at the mouth of Laurel Canyon, in the decade between 1966 and 1976, then award yourself five points. If you added that all five were, in all likelihood, murdered in their Laurel Canyon homes, then add five bonus points."


" . . . These icons were, to an overwhelming degree, the sons and daughters of the military/intelligence complex and the scions of families that have wielded vast wealth and power in this country for a very long time. Are we to believe that the only kids from that era who had musical talent were the sons and daughters of Navy Admirals, chemical warfare engineers and Air Force intelligence officers? Or are they just the only ones who were signed to lucrative contracts and relentlessly promoted by their labels and the media?

Why did Jim Morrison never denounce, or even mention, his father’s key role in escalating one of America’s bloodiest illegal wars?

Why did Frank Zappa never pen a song exploring the horrors of chemical warfare?

CoIntelPro. Entire books, for example, have been written examining how presumably virtuous musical artists were subjected to FBI harassment and/or whacked by the CIA."

“what if the musicians themselves (and various other leaders and founders of the ‘movement’) were every bit as much a part of the intelligence community as the people who were supposedly harassing them?”

cynical exercise in discrediting and marginalizing the budding anti-war movement and creating a fake opposition that could be easily controlled and led astray?

the harassment these folks were subjected to was largely a stage-managed show designed to give the leaders of the counterculture some much-needed ‘street cred’? What if, in reality, they were pretty much all playing on the same team?

“Some on the left even theorized that the hippies were the end result of a plot by the CIA to neutralize the anti-war movement with LSD, turning potential protestors into self-absorbed naval-gazers.” An exasperated Abbie Hoffman once described the scene as he remembered it thusly: “There were all these activists, you know, Berkeley radicals, White Panthers … all trying to stop the war and change things for the better. Then we got flooded with all these ‘flower children’ who were into drugs and sex. Where the hell did the hippies come from?!”

Jerry Brown

longtime resident of a little place called Laurel Canyon

Brown lived on Wonderland Avenue, not too many doors down from 8763 Wonderland Avenue, the site of the infamous “Four on the Floor” murders

the murders of Stephen Parent, Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Voytek Frykowski and Abigail Folger at 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, just a couple miles to the west of Laurel Canyon – had deep ties to the Laurel Canyon scene as well.

Folger and Frykowski lived in Laurel Canyon, at 2774 Woodstock Road,

Victim Jay Sebring’s acclaimed hair salon sat right at the mouth of Laurel Canyon, just below the Sunset Strip, and it was Sebring, alas, who was credited with sculpting Jim Morrison’s famous mane. One of the investors in his Sebring International business venture was a Laurel Canyon luminary who I may have mentioned previously, Mr. John Phillips.

Many of the regular visitors to Cass Elliot’s home, including a number of shady drug dealers, were also regular visitors to the Folger/Frykowski home

Sharon Tate was also well known in Laurel Canyon, where she was a frequent visitor to the homes of friends like John Phillips, Cass Elliott, and Abby Folger.

The alleged killers also lived in and/or were very much a part of the Laurel Canyon scene. Bobby “Cupid” Beausoleil, for example, lived in a Laurel Canyon apartment during the early months of 1969. Charles “Tex” Watson, who allegedly led the death squad responsible for the carnage at Cielo Drive, lived for a time in a home on – guess where? – Wonderland Avenue.

Watson co-owned and worked in a wig shop in Beverly Hills, Crown Wig Creations, Ltd., that was located near the mouth of Benedict Canyon.

Sebring’s Benedict Canyon home, at 9820 Easton Drive, was a rather infamous Hollywood death house that had once belonged to Jean Harlow and Paul Bern.

Psychiatry's Barbaric History

Personally, I'm anti psychiatry it is just a label used to make people conform to others ideology or whims, because their behavior may not socially "acceptable". It is filled w/ trying to label people to fit them in a box or diagnosis them w/ something in order for them to comply to societal norms by pressuring them to take meds, or be instituted. Psychiatry has a brutal history, including mind control & most likely the reason it's a profession today! There are many instances of people attempting to break programming &/or reveal the atrocities, they are deemed 'crazy' & sent off to a mental institution, they conform or are killed.  


In part & out of order, click link to see rest:

 Profits, Power and Control

But face it, there is no profit in sane, happy responsible people. The last thing they seem to want is for anyone to have a tool they can use themselves to better their own mind, improve their own life, and create a sane society. Just as all priests never have wanted people figuring out a direct connection to God (thereby putting them out of business), so neither do the psychiatrists want anyone to have a self-applicable solution to the problems of their own mind and life. If that were possible they would very much become obsolete. Psychiatry really does function as the modern "religion" and the psychiatrists are the High Priests. They wave their hand and declare the heretics - as schizophrenics, psychotics, manic-depressives or ADHDs, and similarly can enforce duress and torture in the from of involuntary commitment, lobotomies, shock treatments and drugs. Just like the priests they will do anything to maintain their position of authority and control over everyone else. And also, just like the Egyptian or medieval priest, their power ultimately rests upon a fabricated belief system, which is based upon very little fact, but in which they have totally convinced the public.

For the structure of psychiatry to exist it is necessary to maintain the charade that they are the "experts", and the "mind is extremely complicated". The moment a sufficient number of people begin to question and clearly see the falsity of their approach, theories, and methods, the entire foundation upon which it is built would collapse. They will fight tooth and nail, using every argument and rationale available, to prevent this from happening. They have much help in this from the drug companies, "professional" societies, various psychiatric and psychological associations, major educational institutions and medical schools (which receive large funding from the same interests), and even government organizations such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CIA.

 Psychiatry's Barbaric History
This is the ideological and methodological route of psychiatry. As a "profession" this is what they did. What they do today is a natural and complete outgrowth of the early dehumanizing and barbaric practices.

You can put a psychiatrist through college, put a suit on him, and teach him to act polite at dinner parties, but he is and always has been a barbaric criminal reveling in the control and harm he exerts on his fellow human beings.

Explain it away however you like, but this is the bare fact of the matter. Nazi SS officers were also probably very polite at parties and kind to other people. They probably even told hilarious jokes - on the way to turning on the gas in the gas chambers. Not surprisingly, psychiatry had much to do with Nazi practices of experimentation and genocide.

Psychiatrists also routinely, year after year, make up the lower third of the graduating class of any college or medical school. They couldn't cut it with the full medical curriculum. Simply, they are the dumbest. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Also, intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with humanity, decency or compassion. Highly intelligent people can be complete brutes and uneducated people can be extremely decent. Don't make the mistake of assuming "science" or apparent intelligence implies decency. It never has and sadly, it probably never will.

One needs to cut through all the years of miseducation and PR of the psychiatric industry and drug companies to get an actual "feel" for what is happening here. It is legalized barbarism parading as "modern science" and "innovative medical techniques". It's a multi-million dollar industry. A lot of money is being made on the pain, suffering and ultimate harm of the general public subjected to their erroneous ideas and practices.

This is the beginning:

The Evolution of Psychiatry
by Gene Zimmer

To arrive at a true understanding of what psychiatry is one needs to understand its methods and historically how these methods evolved. The word "evolution" often implies a process leading to and arriving at "higher", "advanced" or "improved" conditions, but this is not at all true when dealing with psychiatry. The purpose here is to closely look at the gradual development of the theories and methods of psychiatry.

The old psychiatric institutions at the turn of the century (insane asylums) give us the earliest look at psychiatry's barbaric practices. These institutions were basically prisons where the "insane" were kept (or anyone who a "certified" doctor would label as "insane"). Holes were drilled in the heads of patients to relieve "brain pressure", but before that it was done by the same practitioners to "exorcise demons". Cages were installed on the heads of patients. Straight jackets, restraining tables, and shackles were common. Common therapies were "hosing down" the patients and spinning them round and round on a chair. In an attempt to rearrange their bad brain atoms? While psychiatry continued to develop newer methods, these were always oppressive and based on nothing even remotely approaching any legitimate concept of "science".

The methods employed have always and ONLY involved FORCE applied to the human being to alter behavior. Electric shock was one of their first "major advances" in dealing with psychotics and schizophrenics. Notice psychiatry has NEVER attempted to address the mind or life of the person with an aim towards helping them become more sane, responsible, productive, self-determined and happy. This has absolutely nothing to do with their approach and never has. Studying the history of psychiatry makes this very obvious. The notion of "help" and "curing" is a recent addition that has been tacked onto the subject in an attempt to gain acceptance, respectability and above all financial success - psychiatry is basically a "business" venture.
ECT - Electric Shock

ECT was "discovered" when Ugo Cerletti, psychiatrist, visited a Rome slaughterhouse to see what could be learned from the method that was employed to butcher hogs. In Cerletti's own words, "As soon as the hogs were clamped by the [electric] tongs, they fell unconscious, stiffened, then after a few seconds they were shaken by convulsions.... During this period of unconsciousness (epileptic coma), the butcher stabbed and bled the animals without difficulty....

"At this point I felt we could venture to experiment on man, and I instructed my assistants to be on the alert for the selection of a suitable subject."

Cerletti's first victim was provided by the local police - a man described by Cerletti as "lucid and well-oriented." After surviving the first blast without losing consciousness, the victim overheard Cerletti discussing a second application with a higher voltage. He begged Cerletti, "Non una seconda! Mortifierel" ("Not another one! It will kill me!")

Ignoring the objections of his assistants, Cerletti increased the voltage and duration and fired again. With the "successful" electrically induced convulsion of his victim, Ugo Cerletti brought about the application of hog-slaughtering skills to humans, creating one of the most brutal techniques of psychiatry.

The field of psychiatry, similar to modern psychology, observes animal reactions and applies them to people. First, this is absurd, unless you believe yourself to be an animal. Yes, we each have a body that is "animal" in nature, but additionally, we have a quite different aspect - consciousness. There is no animal anywhere, which has human thought, creative imagination, will, intention or personal responsibility. These "human" qualities are what distinguish us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is a MAJOR difference. This difference has been very much ignored and forgotten by "modern" psychiatric and psychological theories and practices. These two subjects view you completely as a biochemical "beast" subject to genetic, physiological and environmental influences alone. YOU, the person, have been very much relegated to a level of no importance. This should scare any sensible person, because every decent thing has ONLY been the result of individual creative people using their minds, imagination, humanity and personal responsibility. Animals never have and never will exhibit these qualities. Psychiatry's methods are removing these qualities from the equation of Man and his civilizations. This can never have positive results. Worse, psychiatric methods, by their very nature, harm and inhibit these basic human mental functions and qualities.

With ECT, what psychiatry did was observe PIG SLAUGHTERING. Ugo went to a slaughterhouse to "see what he could learn". Why? How? What does slaughtering pigs have to do with human behavior or the human mind? What depraved stream of logic has this "make sense"? This was the start of the "therapy" known as ECT. This, in itself, should clearly display the absurdity of psychiatric methods. Psychiatry is the originator of the "straight jacket" and "physical restraints". The nature of the treatments historically are rooted in force exerted on an individual to inhibit unwanted behaviors and actions. The key method used is always FORCE. To reiterate, there has never been any attempt by psychiatry to address and deal with the understanding, reason, viewpoint, ideas, responsibility - or mind - of the person.

ECT replaced physical force with electrical force. But it's basically, in effect, the same thing. Overwhelm the person with enough force and his thoughts, memories and emotions get rattled enough that he undergoes a change. To assume there is some "cure" or "healing" process involved is pure stupidity. The psychiatric field has spent much time and money trying to explain, rationalize and justify their barbaric methods. They call this "research", but no verifiable chemical, electrical or biophysical "healing" has ever been detected or observed. In fact, the only definite observable result of ECT has been brain dysfunction, brain damage and memory loss, with minor to severe effects on the patient's sense of self and their life. The simple truth is that it is the "damage" that causes the changes that are called the "cure". Without the brain dysfunction or damage, no change would occur. The damage is the intentional result because it alone causes the change in the person.

Torture and brain washing techniques, researched and practiced by psychiatrists in most totalitarian regimes, involve the same methodology. Overwhelm the person with physical abuse, pain, lack of sleep, and degradation and sure enough a change in personality results. That's fine for oppressive governments and secret police, but to introduce these methods as "science" and "mental healing" in civilized societies is ridiculous. But that's exactly what has been done, and the magnitude of ridiculousness hasn't prevented mammoth funding and the ultimate acceptance of these practices by "trained professionals" and the general public. In fact, it is primarily due to the large amount of funding (by the major drug companies and governments) that psychiatry arrived at its current level of acceptance.

The psychiatric view on ECT was never to "help" the patient. It wasn't to help them deal with their problems or feel better. It was used for years to control extreme behavior. Understand this. It has always been used to control behavior, primarily behavior that others find objectionable. That is why psychiatry is the darling of governments. Governments also love to control behavior. The concept of "mental health" came much later and was tacked onto the subject as part of a PR campaign to reduce their barbaric image with the public. This is only a facade, and they do not concern themselves at all with "health" of any kind. They are what they have always been - an oppressive practice utilizing force to alter behavior.

You could just as well whack a patient in the head with a baseball bat until they were shaken up enough to alter their behavior. There is much evidence that the trauma of ECT is quite similar to that of head injury and it is this damage alone that causes the results. Any change or apparent "cure" is the result of damage to the brain. Destruction of brain cells, harm to brain blood vessels, and altered EEG readings are common with ECT.

At some point the psychiatrist observed some patient's commenting that their "depression" or "mania" wasn't as bad or had gone away. Their memories and personality were also often drastically altered, but hey, it was "working". Why don't we try drowning? Drown a person until the point of death, resuscitate them, and observe the changes. I would bet there would be changes. Some of the changes might even appear "desirable". Or how about torturing a person until their entire personality "falls apart", and then "rebuild it" from scratch. The person might say they "feel better". Actually, psychiatrists have already done this. They applied brainwashing and torture techniques in an attempt to regain family members who had become involved in "religious groups" ("cults" to them), which the family members didn't like - this is commonly known as deprogramming. It's brutal. It's forceful. It never appeals to the viewpoint of the person themselves. It is behavioral modification per the requests of others (the family). This is another example of psychiatry using force to exact compliance to the wishes of another regarding how they feel the person should behave.

This has always been the modus operandi of psychiatry - apply force to alter behavior according to someone's idea of what "correct behavior" is. They have tried to slither away from this perception of themselves by concentrating on "mental illnesses" and "disorders". They attempt to make it seem they are concerned with the "individual person" and their "health". This is more charade because their methods remain exactly the same, no matter what they say and promote.

The experimenting "scientific" psychiatrist then continued his "research" by trying different types of shocking, with different levels or current, voltage, and electrodes. Maybe they'll find the "perfect treatment", or so they say. What they have been doing, and continue to do on the public is "human experimentation". They will use arguments such as, "we must forget about all archaic moral concerns and freely test on humans if we are ever to truly understand what we are and how we work". This is the same logic used by Nazi medical experimenters like the butcher Mengele. It always leads to the same degraded and barbaric place. And it always parades itself as "modern", "advanced", "scientific" and "highly intelligent". It is none of these. (See The Errors of Modern Science and the Human Mind.)

Never at any point during the evolution of ECT has there been the slightest knowledge of how or why ECT does what it does. There are many theories and beliefs, all of which are false, and the simple truth is that it overwhelms the patient with electrical energy, jumbles his mind and emotions, and alters one's personality (due in large part to the brain damage). In this degraded society, misled and miseducated by large medical and financial interests, these solutions make "sense". They make sense the same way burning witches at the stake made sense to religious intolerants and brain washing and torture made sense to Chinese Communists.

Modern psychology has failed completely to solve the problems of the mind. Following this failure, it chose to neglect and ignore the mind as a factor in its investigation, theories and practices. Thought, will, imagination, desire, attention, intention, and personal responsibility and control are part of the mind, and these have all been neglected and finally discarded in modern psychology's and psychiatry's absurd development. What is left is controlling behavior through force. It is questionable whether these subjects honestly or seriously ever attempted to research the mind and come up with workable solutions, because once large financial interests entered the scene in the early part of the century the direction of all research was aimed only at purely biophysical theories and methods. There was no profit in understanding and helping the mind directly. There was and is tremendous profits in drugs. This has had disastrous results to Man and society.

That these forceful methods sometimes result in an "improved" condition, even to the patient subjectively implies nothing. Again, if you hit 20 people in the head with baseball bats, most likely a few would believe themselves to be "improved" afterwards. But where's the "therapy"? Where's the "cure"? And, sadly, there are always harmful side-effects with their methods.

Why is it they only concentrate on methods that apply force? They could just as well do extensive testing with 1) meditation, 2) visualization techniques, 3) daily walks in the park or country, 4) daily singing, 5) purposeful laughing, or 6) education into one's mind with the idea of accepting and taking personal responsibility for it.. They could do controlled studies, monitor the results, and see what changes occur. There would be obvious positive changes. Yes, it's hard to monitor what people do with their minds and whether they are applying the techniques properly, but it could be figured out. But they haven't and never will try anything like this. The field is 100% biased for a biomedical approach to everything. Why? Because the major drug companies and affiliated universities and colleges support and indoctrinate ONLY in this direction. It's not honest, open-minded research. It's restrictive research designed to only guarantee profits. Psychiatry is a part of the field of medicine, and modern medicine teaches and practices almost entirely in the direction of drugs and addressing only symptoms (not underlying causes of any illness or problem).

ECT Main Page - Facts about ECT, memory loss, brain dysfunction and brain damage.

Victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse Testimonies

I didn’t decide to start typing any of this until he was well into his story.  I do this, because I want EVERYONE to know the pure EVIL that is lurking & hiding amongst us.  You must be aware, so you can protect yourself through the Blood of the Lamb!  I’ve only listened to #17 & will get to some of the others when I have time.He is in a multi generational satanic family goes back to Babylon/Canaanites the old religion, hierarchy in ill bloodline most important as far as getting a good position, but intelligence & satanic history have alot to do w/ it, programming system like what is found in India, you are born into your social class w/ programming you can move up or down the chain depending on how you are evaluated, going to share personal experiences spent 7 years in torture, in rape & abuse & in hell once a child in a ill family reaches age of 6-7  . . . .  Later in the show, he talked about being in a  small cage at 2 or 3 for a few days, then the knight in shining armor comes which is his dad, also talked about being buried alive in a deep hole, his dad is all dressed up w/ white flowing robe, white beard, a book in his hand & says see this book you aren’t in it . . . Something to that effect.

"Heart of Stone" ritual.  Where a drugged hypnotized child is told that their heart is being removed (Myans anyone?)  by a high priestess witch & their heart is going to be placed in the temple of moloch this is a terrifying ritual to go through when they did it to me it was the wife of the occult leader in the occult town I grew up in who performed this satanic ritual on me all I can remember from it is a feeling of total & complete implosion emotionally & spiritually.  Now of course I know they didn't take my heart but when you are hypnotized & drugged you believe what ever you are told especially from people who have been torturing you for years.  There are so many rituals orgies basically you’ll be engaged in some kind of pleasuring of someone & be hit w/ electrical shock constantly this is good/no this is bad. . .  mass murdering illuminati pedophiles in Philadelphia, none of them have been hassled by the police . . . because my mother was especially sadistic, she was the most sadistic, no one enjoyed murder more than my mother, no one enjoyed torture like my mother what she did w/ me seeing that she had a feisty child on her hands one that had it's own mind & own thoughts she encouraged my rebellion through spell casting & other mk techniques she knew about, it gave her more opportunity to inflict correction.  Once I grew old enough 5-6 years old then I went into full rebellion.  When we were driving from our christian church to the church of satan one day.  Me & my brother were complaining we didn't want to go, well you don't like what we are doing to you, we will just kill you & dump you in the forest, my brother said I don’t care & we both said kill us, after years of rape & torture we would have preferred death at that moment. . . . .It's the ill/freemason that want to take over the world, known as the nwo.  In my studies 10% accept the old religion of molech/canaanite/phonecian ilk that's roughly 30 million people adhering to the old religion, they form the rank & file of the machine that runs this world.

I don’t want revenge, I just want to open the eyes of people that horrific systematic occult abuse going on nation wide & throughout the world 10% of the US population is engaged in the old religion how many are illuminati, I do not know according to my malachite (sp?) mother . . She claimed to me when I was in training of the true history over 10 more like 12 percent were involved. They are the police, the teachers, the engineers, the professors, the doctors, the nurses.  To control  a society you don’t need to have everyone in a position of power just key levels of power under constant control.  Now how the human race is going to break this control, becoming aware is the first step.  They can convince you of things of a spiritual dimension, I mentioned the heart of stone ritual now there is another thing that they do, & that is when the ill have someone in cult that is shown to have a consciousness that will never cooperate they are given a special level of programming known a spider web programming, a programming of ultimate mental chaos one of the things the high priestess witch did to me when they realized I would never go cult, they drugged me & made me believe I inside a giant blown glass object size (huh, reminds me of Lady Gaga in that egg) of a 20x20 room maybe lager, amber color somewhat round in shape in this glass chamber was myself & 3 giant spiders of course what they told me was that I, mind you I’m hypnotized drugged 1,000 year old satanic mind control suggest rituals spell casting & know things about the human mind I can’t even describe, I saw myself in this chamber w/ 3 spiders & I ran from those spiders for 40 years.  What that ritual does it puts you subconsciously always in a state of panic which is very good for someone having a negative mind set.  One of the things I’m gonna talk about is as I rebelled a certain friend of mine young boy who was in the cult & a friend was going through the usual ill raping on Friday night & his colon was torn by being raped so viciously & developed a bacterial infection in his infection it spread throughout his body he went septic & died in a couple days, when he died I tried to go to the police & get help & tell them about the murder I did this through a 3rd party unfortunately when they went to the police they looked at the man & said we know what s going on there but we can do nothing about it, & that was the end of that.  The man was a Christian he did everything he could to get justice for me & my friend when I was 6 he could not tell the police do something they refused to do.  3 policeman were dispatched by illuminati assassins from that day forward the police stayed away from that cult.  The ill elite have armies of private mercenaries at their disposal & have no problem killing people who will get in their way.

When JFK was assassinated we were watching the coverage on tv & my mother said we did this.  Its called the death of a king ritual to traumatize the nation, my father mentioned that the driver of the limo was the ill man.  When the leader of the cult in the cult community that I was in died of a heart attack, my mother cried for 3 days straight, my mother cried for 3 days straight wailing the death of a mass murdered, child abuser, pedophiler.  Good is evil, evil is good I have many personal tales to tell all quite despicable these people through hypnotism & drugging can convince & put you anyplace they want to.  Having a handy car battery  is helpful.

I recommend 2 books that can explain it better than I can Fritz books all 4 of them, a book that would make you understand personally would be Cathy O’Brien Transformation of America.  Her story details the first 30 years of her life in a generational satanic family & how her father sold her to the intelligence agencies to be used as a presidential model sex slave & black ops.  Any person who wants to understand the true evil they are dealing with read those books."I've not listened to the rest yet.

#17 on this podcast


Britain Victim:

<The same stories by these poor victims, just the faces & places change, just some highlights.>

Tried to sacrifice him on a cross, made him drink goats blood alot of occult & magic stuff going on the in the family voodoo witchcraft, Harry Potter, Alice & Wonderland, was an 'orphan', 30-40 children on the island, animal sacrifices look at dead animals repetitive abuse, sex abuse in an incestuous adopted family, he was drugged, hypnotized, starting getting memories back 16-17, he survived by DID (textbook).

He lived in Bristol his first abduction experience w/ at about 20, went to bed one night & at ET said he was going to be 'taken', claimed to be from another planet, but he looked like a human being. War between the negative & positive ET's talked about grays, specifically said some are neg & some are positive. Neg Et's were controlling the American gov't.

"He has an rf implant in his tail bone, verified by a rf scanner. They use dark energy to penetrate life or organisms or humans. Something went down his nose, snake like. First abduction thought he was taken by et's, got examined by a dr.... treated for amnesia have you ever been in a crash, not that I recall you suffered a massive trauma to your spine/back, he goes up to shave turn on look at 3 marks on his back. Started getting memories back of being in a military hospital (mash like field hospital) some kind of base or something. Demonic looking sort of entity sitting on his chest staring at him when he came out of the hospital, it flees off. His 'father' was military & had MI6 connections. Going back to the hospital it was actually a military base on his front facing down like a hole & they are operating on his back. Remembers doing missions. When it comes to children being used for this nonsense interfering w/ peoples taking away human rights, interfering w/ growth it's wrong it's bad, there is no excuse for it, they've taken away my ability to live in society. He 'remote views', he knows there was extensive use of drugs, radiation, electric shock, drugs, hypnosis, to create a soldier a killer an assassin, someone they can use. He is a sleeper it looks like. He can't look at the camera, it feels like a gun pointed in his face. Countless things that weren't human one that was sort of hoardling, horns, no tail, there is physical evidence on my body that he can't account for. Et's working w/ humans us being subservient. Non humans small alot of them, when he's had the experiences reptilian sort of head, but humans as well were there, sounds a bit crazy but . . .

"I can remember my psychologist said we don't know where you get your strength from, should have knocked you out for 3 days, it knocks you out for 30 sec. There are ability for people to resist this (yes I know, they test them for how much ...they can actually take & only give them 1 drug at a time to see the effects.) They'd be triggered to awake in the middle of the night, get picked up & that's when they do their training, when they awake they fill naked & tired but have no idea what happened at night. His 'father' put him through this & if you are adept at hypnosis you don't need to explain yourself, because you'd be messing w/ their heads. He has been an victim of satanic ritual abuse, adding entities to the aura. Family connections w/ military, connection w/ freemasonry abduction, heard voices (voice to skull tech) they can have oral hallucinations. Trained in ju jujitsu, martial arts, memory flood back running fall over running fall explosion fall black out during the day, warm climate w/ trees. Wakes up by a mig aircraft f18 f16 something like that. Feeling drunken, whatever was happening there they were loosing, there was a girl, she wants to stay out of it, blonde girl, english, she can back up her story in many ways. relates to royalty. thinks she has an implant knows T. crow part of the same project. He has been in injured states & healed himself. An entity is in him, watery like sort of plasma saline, he feels it, one is dark that I've seen dark energy. They get away w/ it because they are connected to gov't they infiltrate schools hospitals, the illuminati (!) Stargates, spaceships, plans pyramids in egypt annunaki in mathematics alot of that is basic construction of advanced tech. Mathematics is the language of the universe symbolism governs to mind mathematics is the code of conscious a counterfeit reality where symbolism governs the mind.  Matrix reality again is very advanced.  I’d say that whoever created this design on our liberty the powers that be <WAIT FOR IT> need us more than we need them.