Friday, February 17, 2012

Barbie & Hef: CIA MK-Ultra Asset Playboy CEO & Pimp Hugh Hefner & Human+Plastic Barbie Dolls that Infected Generations

Barbie was a remake of a nazi sex doll.  & you wonder why Hef is pumpin out a bunch of  robot like blonde sex dolls.  He is a pimp & black mails the 'well known', if they fall into his trap

:Hugh Hefner who was a CIA Asset for the "Sexual Revolution" with Playboy Magazine as its Mass-Media device the same year in 1953 that MK-Ultra and the CIA began mind control in serious earnest and crimes against Humanity as the CIA at that time was under ex-SS Intelligence Chief Reinhard Gehlen who was imported via the OSS under Project Paperclip to the United States with his whole Nazi Intelligence Network to form the CIA that George H. W. Bush was deeply involved in even in the 50's... Coincidence that Playboy Magazine mysteriously appeared in 1953 when MK-Ultra began? NOT.

Speaking of Hugh Hefner's Bloodline to the Ruling "Elites" in America:

Hugh Heffner, George W. Bush and John Kerry

Bush, Kerry & Hefner: Odd Cousins

- The two presidential contenders also share a widely known common relative, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, who is the ninth cousin of both men (the number nine is a coincidence). Twice removed from Mr. Bush, Hefner is a slightly closer relation to Kerry, only once removed. -
- CBS News, March 4, 2004 -

Hefner was used to further the degradation of Society and destroy the Family unit and morality with his softcore porn magazine, Playboy.



‎"What kind of man is this?

He is fastidious about his appearance, his home and his possessions. He wants as much sex as possible and chooses sexual partners mostly on the basis of appearance. He is self-absorbed and doesn't want emotional involvement or commitment. He thinks a woman would stifle him and children would be a burden.

Does this sound like many gays? It is also the masculine ideal purveyed by Playboy magazine to men since the 1950's.

The essence of manhood is to lead and support a family. But in 1972, 3 out of 4 male college students got their ideas about masculinity from Playboy, at an incalculable price to themselves, women, children and society.

The similarity between the Playboy and homosexual ideal is no coincidence. "The Kinsey Report" (1948) shaped current mainstream attitudes to sex. It championed unfettered sexual expression and became the manifesto of the counterculture. It inspired Hugh Hefner to start Playboy in 1953. "

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