Friday, February 17, 2012

Satanic Hierarchy

All the EVIL entities encountered by the World are listed in the Bible. In one Verse!

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. realms. Ephesians 6:12

Flesh and Blood = Humans/The Natural
Satan = Sovereign = Prince and Power of the Air
A supreme ruler, esp. a monarch.


Excerpt from Fritz Be Wise as Serpents (free .pdf online)


BASIS FOR CHART: This chart has been developed from charts by Ex-Satanists, it also is

collaborated by information received from many historical sources. Historical information

describing the hierarchies and power structure of demonology are worldwide. Although differing

in details, it is clear that multiple levels of demonic authority have been experienced by people.

LEVEL A. SATAN AND RULING SPIRIT PRINCES- The ruling spirit princes are widely

known among Satanists. Many of the ruling princes go by several names, as do many of the

Satanists. Some of the ruling princes are still referred to by names they used in ancient Babylon

and ancient Egypt.

LEVEL B. DEMONS- The highest ranking Satanists teach their children that the demons are

aliens from other planets. Within the Satanic covens one variety of demons looks like E.T. (but

also can have more hair) are common and they serve as guardians. Also a grey type of demon

with almond eyes associated with UFOs is also working closely with the high ranking Satanic

Illuminati. The first rumblings of Satanic plans to use a mock alien invasion from outer space

to unite the world under Satan's rule were given to the Satanists in the 19th century, perhaps at

a Feast of the Beast in possibly 1868. After the next Feast of the Beast 28 years later, UFOs

began appearing in large numbers in the USA esp. Calif. H.G. Wells novel War of the Worlds

was published in serial form the following year too. By 1917, the secret occult fraternities show

signs of working toward creating this artificial alien invasion. The UFO phenomena is

accompanied with a. repeated accounts by abductees and contactees that man has failed to

advance morally as rapidly as he has technologically, and that these aliens will give mankind or

the elite of mankind both advanced technology and advanced morality. The secrets of the

galaxies- not just ancient mysteries but the mysteries of the ages- will be given to our elite free

by these aliens (actually demons), b. mankind is on the verge of a great evolutionary leap

forward, but also faces an Armageddon. Demons which appear manage to come in all sizes and

shapes. There is a munchkin variety called elves, lepricans, or menihunis. There is a large giant

variety too. The spirits are assigned various tasks, and are often grouped in 4's, 7's, or 13's.

LEVEL C. PRINCIPALITIES & POWERS- These forces are akin to "school spirit" or the

power that a rampaging crowd has within itself. These powers of synergy are carefully

manipulated by the Satanic forces. These energies produce a Zeitgeist -a spirit or fad of the

times. Peer pressure is a form of such power. These power structures are known and manipulated

by the Satanic forces.

LEVEL D. GUARDIANS - These Nephalim (half men - half demon) are to be found distributed

throughout all the levels. They are the goon squads, the enforcers, the Sargeant-at-arms, and have

rank according to the level they operate on.

LEVEL E. ILLUMINATI - Illuminati members depending upon their groups have various levels

themselves. Their knowledge of Satan's organization depends upon which group they are in and

which level they are at, most usually they may have only that knowledge needed to function at

their level. Illuminati members have their name written in blood by a quill pen into a book. The

various factions of Illuminati rule the world as the Kingpins in politics, finance, porn, drugs,

communications, and religion in preparation for the Anti-Christ (Kashema) to take his throne, and

rule with rest of the Satanic trinity of the Beast, and the False Prophet. This level includes the

Grande Druid Council, and the 13 highest Satanic families. Various branches have their own

terminology and rules for their lower levels which are the following pattern.

LEVEL F. BRIGADES- SISTERS OF LIGHT/ ASMODEUS -These are the Mothers of light,

the overseers of power. Training for these Illuminati begins at age 11. Coronations for a Queen

in the Mother of Light is at 14 years old.

LEVEL G. REGIMENT- This level is led by a Grande Master/Matriarch. Regiments are divided

up into various levels of groupings of covens into companies and sub-regiments led by captain

and major-types. Rings are worn by various levels.

LEVEL H. COVENS- Basic low level group (similar to an Army platoon) containing 13+

witches with a Priest or Priestess as an officer. Most covens are extremely well kept secrets. A

few show temples like Anton LeVey's Temple of Satan are put on for the public's consumption.


Listen to Meylssa Ford, she tells you they sign in blood.


In case you were wondering what the Feast of the Beast is, per Fritz:

What makes this study of vital and timely importance is that members of these bloodlines intend within the 7-year period of 1992-1999 to launch a sequence of events to lead the world into a one world slave-state ruled by a man controlled by the god which
the elites worship. Should the reader allow, I will quote from the Power's own statements plus other proof to show that this god, the god of the world, is Lucifer (aka Satan, Sanat, Venus, etc.) For thousands of years, The Plan for world domination has been passed
down from occult generation to occult generation. Spaced every 20 years plus is a Feast of the Beast, a year-long holiday during which Satanists receive new instructions from Satan on how to carry out The Plan.3 We read of the great holiday and its Great Councils
in Externalization of the Hierarchy, when Satan's instrument Alice Bailey writes, "The past year...has, however, been the year in which the greatest spiritual Approach of all time has shown itself to be possible - an Approach for which the initiates and Masters have for
centuries been preparing, and for which all the Wesak Festivals since the meeting of the Great Council in 1925 have been preparatory. I have, in past instructions, referred to the
great meetings held at intervals by Those to Whom is entrusted the spiritual guidance of the planet and particularly of man." (Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 389.)

As example of how in genius these plans are to create a One-World-Government consider the following part of it. The Drug War is not what it seems. It is a very ingenious scheme to enslave the
American people, and destroy all their civil rights.4

The first rumblings of the Drug War part of The Plan seem to stir from the occult, so it is highly possible the Drug War originally was first developed by Satanists, perhaps even given during one of the Feasts of the Beast.

The Drug War seems like the perfect plan, with no way for the Power to lose. First, the Power creates a drug culture in America. The Drug Culture would and did give many their first step into the Aquarian (New Age) conspiracy.5 The Power would make billions of
dollars by running drugs, to further finance other nefarious schemes, and could use their world-wide power to crush all their competitors. When the Power crushed and arrested their competitors in drug running, they would be hailed as heros by the majority of people.(And they have.) The introduction of drugs into society does several things. It taxes the Christian church's ability to oppose immorality. It gets the public indignent about drugs, and the public's moral outcry allows the Power to pass "drug" laws that remove the last vestiges of legal civil rights. In fact, the beguiled public demands the laws which abolish their rights, and applauds these laws in ignorance unknowing what the laws actually say and mean. If the public somehow gets a complete picture that their government has been smuggling drugs to create a drug war in spite of the controlled media, or perhaps through the media at the right time, then they can create a scandal involving several U.S. Presidents to eliminate the U.S. government and switch the public's allegiance to a world government. (See chapter 3.9 for more details and a chronology of the secretly planned escalation of today's designed Drug War.)

As an ex-Mason, who is very aware of their plans, said to this Author, "These people are in it for the long-term."

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