Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bases 7 Britain's Supersoldiers

Bases 7 Britain's Supersoldiers

 "The final DVD version of Bases 7 on the Supersoldier program in the UK. Thanks to Dave's brave witness statement a whole batch of victims and witnesses have come forward, see AMMACH Witness statements.AMMACH Project Conference is on Aug31st,Sept 2nd Britannia Hotel Nottingham Highly Disturbing allegations and claims involving Ritual Child Abuse, Aliens, Mind Control, UFOs, Secret bases in Somerset. Super Soldiers, MI6 and more..RAF in the Project Monarch Program. The Orkney Child Abuse Scandal is detailed. Involves physical creature implants that move in the body, and radiate RF signals. These Claims are made by Super Soldier Dave "M", in ths gruelling interview on the BASES label. Continuing on from the Barry King, James Casbolt and Matt Todd data, we have more, and its getting worse. This information is for Mature researchers only. Some information may shock and offend. Its not looking good off planet!
Dave claims to "Hulk Out" and is a PRESENT Mind Controlled "Super Soldier", with scars and intrusion holes in his back. He is sent on secret Missions, potentially off planet. Who Knows, with others, some of whom were selected at schools in the Taunton area. This is posted with the consent of an ACTIVE Mind Controlled Supersoldier in England. THREE have so far come forward, out of at least NINE. BASES 7 invites the remnainder to come forward. BUT so far we have no EVIDENCE ANY of these "Claims" have ANY valid Reality." <-----(ha ha)


<The same stories by these poor victims, just the faces & places change, just some highlights after listening to it for some time, I decided to type it.>

Tried to sacrifice him on a cross, made him drink goats blood alot of occult & magic stuff going on the in the family voodoo witchcraft, Harry, Alice & Wonderland, was an 'orphan', 30-40 children on the island, animal sacrifices look at dead animals repetitive abuse, sex abuse in an incestuous adopted family, he was drugged, hypnotized, starting getting memories back 16-17, he survived by DID (textbook).

He lived in Bristol his first abduction experience w/ at about 20, went to bed one night & at ET said he was going to be 'taken', claimed to be from another planet, but he looked like a human being. War between the negative & positive ET's talked about grays, specifically said some are neg & some are positive. Neg Et's were controlling the American gov't.

"He has an rf implant in his tail bone, verified by a rf scanner. They use dark energy to penetrate life or organisms or humans. Something went down his nose, snake like. First abduction thought he was taken by et's, got examined by a dr.... treated for amnesia have you ever been in a crash, not that I recall you suffered a massive trauma to your spine/back, he goes up to shave turn on look at 3 marks on his back. Started getting memories back of being in a military hospital (mash like field hospital) some kind of base or something. Demonic looking sort of entity sitting on his chest staring at him when he came out of the hospital, it flees off. His 'father' was military & had MI6 connections. Going back to the hospital it was actually a military base on his front facing down like a hole & they are operating on his back. Remembers doing missions. When it comes to children being used for this nonsense interfering w/ peoples taking away human rights, interfering w/ growth it's wrong it's bad, there is no excuse for it, they've taken away my ability to live in society. He 'remote views', he knows there was extensive use of drugs, radiation, electric shock, drugs, hypnosis, to create a soldier a killer an assassin, someone they can use. He is a sleeper it looks like. He can't look at the camera, it feels like a gun pointed in his face. Countless things that weren't human one that was sort of hoardling, horns, no tail, there is physical evidence on my body that he can't account for. Et's working w/ humans us being subservient. Non humans small alot of them, when he's had the experiences reptilian sort of head, but humans as well were there, sounds a bit crazy but . . .

"I can remember my psychologist said we don't know where you get your strength from, should have knocked you out for 3 days, it knocks you out for 30 sec. There are ability for people to resist this (yes I know, they test them for how much ...they can actually take & only give them 1 drug at a time to see the effects.) They'd be triggered to awake in the middle of the night, get picked up & that's when they do their training, when they awake they fill naked & tired but have no idea what happened at night. His 'father' put him through this & if you are adept at hypnosis you don't need to explain yourself, because you'd be messing w/ their heads. He has been an victim of satanic ritual abuse, adding entities to the aura. Family connections w/ military, connection w/ freemasonry abduction, heard voices (voice to skull tech) they can have oral hallucinations. Trained in ju jujitsu, martial arts, memory flood back running fall over running fall explosion fall black out during the day, warm climate w/ trees. Wakes up by a mig aircraft f18 f16 something like that. Feeling drunken, whatever was happening there they were loosing, there was a girl, she wants to stay out of it, blonde girl, english, she can back up her story in many ways. relates to royalty. thinks she has an implant knows T. crow part of the same project. He has been in injured states & healed himself. An entity is in him, watery like sort of plasma saline, he feels it, one is dark that I've seen dark energy. They get away w/ it because they are connected to gov't they infiltrate schools hospitals, the illuminati (!) Stargates, spaceships, plans pyramids in egypt annunaki in mathematics alot of that is basic construction of advanced tech. Mathematics is the language of the universe symbolism governs to mind mathematics is the code of conscious a counterfeit reality where symbolism governs the mind. Matrix reality again is very advanced. I’d say that whoever created this design on our liberty the powers that be <WAIT FOR IT> need us more than we need them.


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