Monday, August 13, 2012

Wicked Feast

OK this one won’t be for the squeamish so advanced warning.  I was flipping through the stations a couple days ago & ran across this commercial about the new Top Chef on Bravo TV w/ Charlize Theron (maybe you’ve seen it?), “Let the Wicked Feast Begin”.  If you want to watch it you have to listen to a long Benihana commercial first anyway . . . . of course, my mind starts wandering, first to the movie itself  “Snow White”, which hopefully Vigilant Citizen will do something on & then her words & the décor, as she demands heads and hearts on platters in an oddly baroque, Dracula's manor-type setting while Chris makes bloody handprints on plates . . . . . . I have no stinkin’ idea why.


To continue, be ready or bag out now:

It is said that Doris Duke was a Grande Dame & killed in a ritual w/ her head served on a platter on All Hallows Eve & shortly after midnight . Coincidentally, HC "the high priestess of evil”  was around at the time of her mother’s death.

Apparently, the Ill method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power.


Washington (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's mother, Dorothy Howell Rodham, died early Tuesday in Washington, the Clinton family said. She was 92. Hillary Clinton had canceled a scheduled trip to Britain and Turkey after her mother fell ill. No details of her mother's illness were disclosed. A statement from the Clintons said Rodham died shortly after midnight of Halloween, surrounded by her family.


This is an excerpt from that link I post once and awhile on Wizard of Oz:

“Just one example of the thousands of Illuminati Grande Dames killed in ritual like this is the recent billionairess Doris Duke, who was ritually killed in 1993 on Halloween, also called All Hallows Eve, in the Beverly Hills, CA area. The Illuminati method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. No blood is to be spilt out of respect for the elderly woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power. There may be as many as 2,197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. The Grande Mothers (whose Systems are mistresses for Satan and hierarchy leaders) and the next rank, the Grande Dames, are often veiled in ritual and would wear robes with different colored lining. The different colors of linings show the different grades. A typical Grande Mother vestment or robe is a black satin & velvet dress with a draped neckline, and ritual symbols down the center of the robe. After someone like Doris Duke willingly gives her (their) life, her head is served on a silver platter at a banquet. For the deeper alters of a high level slave, this is part of their way of life; they are told it is their birthright and heritage. Such alters will not be able to identify with the culture at large. To give up their programming, means giving up their magickal powers and their culture, which they have had to work hard for. To leave they would need to see something that they perceive as better. They are locked into their slavery due do to their exposure to only a secret Illuminati culture and value system. Because of their dissociation with the rest of their own System of alters, they don’t perceive a need to change their lifestyle anymore than a Bushman would be able to feel a need to wear shoes. Why should the Bushman want shoes, if he has gotten along without them? Why should a high level slave want change, when they have gotten along without it? Experience shows that during deprogramming most of the lower level alters will want to escape their abuse, but the higher level ritual alters are so separated from the abuse they don’t want to give up their status and culture.”

Off w/ their heads! Seems to be a theme. The Book cover of “Les mystères de la
franc-maçonnerie” depicting a Masonic ritual presided by Baphomet, who is literally being worshiped.

Ahhh gives new meaning to the Wicked Feast!

"They have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes. But what is less well known is that the British royals also had a taste for human flesh.

A new book on medicinal cannibalism has revealed that possibly as recently as the end of the 18th century British royalty swallowed parts of the human body.

The author adds that this was not a practice reserved for monarchs but was widespread among the well-to-do in Europe.

Read more:

Even as they denounced the barbaric cannibals of the New World, they applied, drank, or wore powdered Egyptian mummy, human fat, flesh, bone, blood, brains and skin.

Moss taken from the skulls of dead soldiers was even used as a cure for nosebleeds, according to Dr Richard Sugg at Durham University.

Dr Sugg said: 'The human body has been widely used as a therapeutic agent with the most popular treatments involving flesh, bone or blood.

'Cannibalism was found not only in the New World, as often believed, but also in Europe.

'One thing we are rarely taught at school yet is evidenced in literary and historic texts of the time is this: James I refused corpse medicine; Charles II made his own corpse medicine; and Charles I was made into corpse medicine.

'Along with Charles II, eminent users or prescribers included Francis I, Elizabeth I's surgeon John Banister, Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent, Robert Boyle, Thomas Willis, William III, and Queen Mary.'

The history of medicinal cannibalism, Dr Sugg argues, raised a number of important social questions.

He said: 'Medicinal cannibalism used the formidable weight of European science, publishing, trade networks and educated theory.

'Whilst corpse medicine has sometimes been presented as a medieval therapy, it was at its height during the social and scientific revolutions of early-modern Britain.

'It survived well into the 18th century, and amongst the poor it lingered stubbornly on into the time of Queen Victoria.

'Quite apart from the question of cannibalism, the sourcing of body parts now looks highly unethical to us.

'In the heyday of medicinal cannibalism bodies or bones were routinely taken from Egyptian tombs and European graveyards. Not only that, but some way into the eighteenth century one of the biggest imports from Ireland into Britain was human skulls.

'Whether or not all this was worse than the modern black market in human organs is difficult to say.' . . ."

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