Friday, March 1, 2013

Open Letter to the Leadership of the Mormon Church


"Joseph Smith, along with Hiram Smith and Brigham Young, were the key figures behind the creation of the Mormon religion. They were of the elite of the elite Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian or "Holy Grail" line, and were all high degree Freemasons. They were also Satanists and formed their "church" as a front for Satanic activity which very much still goes on today. Why wouldn't it, that is what it is there for. The Mormon empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds through their Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution and Adolf Hitler, and yet again B'nai Brith, the Rothschild intelligence arm and defamer of genuine researchers, was involved."


The following letter was an open letter posted on Craig's List.

Dear Elder (Name):

As one who suffers from within, I write this letter to inform you of the magnitude of a growing problem. I am fully active, fully worthy, and fully apostate. I remain active solely for the sake of immediate and extended family unity, and to preserve my marriage. The fact that I cannot act upon my knowledge about fraudulent church history and doctrine has created a considerable dilemma for both the church and myself. The church is filled with people like me, and if you do not address this dilemma, the church will collapse from within. This letter, therefore, is an appeal for your consideration of my personal dilemma, and to serve as a witness against you if you fail to act.

I am writing this letter anonymously because I fear the power of your unrighteous dominion. It is not acceptable for you to claim that you personally would not wish for those like me to suffer or fear. The “Strengthening Church Members Committee” has proven its reach in the true style of “1984 Thought-Crime” investigations and “Ministry (councils) of Love” discipline. Yes, I fear you, I loath your tactics and I forcibly serve you. If you doubt my claim of forced servitude, then you would be wise to withhold your assessment until the end of this letter. I am writing with the futile hope that you (or anyone) will care enough to resolve this growing and unavoidable tragedy within the church; the tragedy of those who know the truth and cannot act upon it without destroying their families.

I come from 1837-convert lineage. I grew up in the Mormon Colonies in Mexico; I was hyper-valiant in my youth; I completed reading the full set of scriptures by the age of 16; I had all the missionary discussions and missionary scriptures memorized before even getting my call to serve; I served a very successful mission in Mexico; I attended BYU; I married in the temple; I served in four different bishoprics, high council, stake executive secretary, gospel doctrine instructor, young men’s president, high priest group leader, and various other callings; I was a student of the gospel, and was known for my answers to difficult historical and doctrinal questions; I have attended the temple more than 800 times, and virtually have the whole thing (all ordinances) memorized; I am a set-apart ordinance worker; I am currently serving in three ward and stake callings; IN OTHER WORDS: I deserve your respect, and am not engaged in any unworthy activity, so before you categorize me into some convenient slot, think again.

I have five children, two returned-missionary-temple-married, one attending BYU, and two active in the youth program. My wife and I have lived our nearly 25 years of marriage completely united in our commitment to a gospel oriented home. My wife is one of the most valiant, unquestioning, devoted members you will ever meet. Our happiness in marriage was centered in the gospel. We have faithfully performed all of the home-strengthening practices (FHE, daily prayer and scripture study, etc) throughout our married years. Our children are strong in the church because we as parents gave them that foundation. We are your typical success story.

This changed approximately two years ago. The story about how it changed is long, complicated, and spans years of personal study, personal observation, and experience. Rather than rehearse the entire journey, I will only summarize the end results. Suffice it to say that I have discovered reliable unchallenged facts about church history, church operations, church doctrine, and church culture that have brought me to the undeniable conclusion that the church is not true. Not only is the church not true (meaning that it is not what it claims to be), but the church purposefully withholds (even denies) vital information that would lead ANY thinking person to the same conclusion. Finally, church leaders even boast about the moral and ethical justification for acting this way. This is the behavior pattern of a cult; it is inconsistent with the church’s own articles of faith; and it is the central reason for the growing groundswell of revolt from within. To ignore this fact is the height of arrogance. You are either stupid or you are devious; whichever you choose, you lose.

I have a feeling (since I cannot imagine a different possibility) that you already know about this problem. You already know that the church is not what it claims to be; you already know that Native Americans are not the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon; you already know that the whole story of the BOM is not accurate or historical or even a translation of gold plates; you already know that the Book of Abraham is not a translation of the papyri that it claims to be; you already know that the first vision account is not reliable or accurate; you already know that church history is a warped version of real history and real history paints a pretty bleak picture of church origins and behavior; you already know that spiritual “special witness” experiences are not what the average member believes them to be; and you already know that as prophets, seers, and revelators, you do not possess any such gifts as they are understood by the average member. You receive and even encourage unqualified trust in your special abilities, and you know very well that those abilities are not special at all. You may be talented administrators, but you are not prophets, seers, and revelators, and you know it. Yet you allow members to revere and honor you as such. You are either self-deceived or you are willing deceivers. You know that members believe and teach that you have had personal physical visitations from Jesus Christ, and you know that you have not had this experience. Yet, you are willing to allow members to perpetuate this myth for unknown but unavoidably dishonest reasons. This is a pattern, not an anomaly. You know you are not what you claim to be (or what church culture teaches about you); and you allow this false perception to continue. What does that say about you and your integrity?

So, after coming to this awful realization that things are not what they claim to be within the church, what are my options? This journey was so disruptive and internally tumultuous that I chose to travel it alone. I was absolutely certain that there were solid faith sustaining answers to each disturbing fact. Finally, after I had absorbed the magnitude of the truth, I tried to share it with my wife. To her horror, she saw that her husband had gone into the unthinkable realm of “apostasy”. At first, she resented me for even looking; then she denied the possibility that any of it could be true; then she tried to stand on the shaky ground that even if it was true it did not lead to the conclusions I had made; finally, she clings to the defensive posture that I cannot be smarter than you (how can so many good men be wrong and her imperfect husband be right?). This is where you come into the picture. This is where the church comes between me and my wife in our marriage relationship. This is where the damage is done in countless other relationships. Do you think that you can escape responsibility for this damage? Do you doubt your complicity in creating this wedge? Can you understand how people like me come to a point of powerless resentment against the church? I suspect that you cannot understand such things, because if you did you would use your influence to make necessary changes.

There is nothing more ironic than the saying that “A man can leave the church, but he can never leave it alone.” The truth is that “A man can leave the church but only if he leaves ‘alone’”, or “A man can leave the church but the church can never leave him alone.” You would gladly split up my family rather than allow my knowledge to draw them away from the church. You have proven such intent in both policy and practice.

I am trapped in the church; of that there can be no doubt. And yet I perceive that you do indeed doubt such an idea. It seems foreign to you that I would claim to be trapped in an institution that glorifies agency. But surely you can see the cultural elements (which you support) that limit my options. Extended family relationships are high-pressure control mechanisms. My leaving the church for doctrinal or historical reasons would have a devastating and disruptive impact on the entire family network. You glorify those who leave their families to join our church and at the same time you demonize those who would leave the church for whatever reason. You stereotype those who obtain damaging “truth” as intellectuals and apostates. You encourage an atmosphere of exclusion against those who have information that would damage faith, even when that faith is founded upon false data.

Your efforts of withholding and denying truth have had the result of destroying personal integrity. I know things that I cannot openly speak about, even with those closest to me. I lie in temple recommend interviews so I can go to the temple to see my own children get married, and because my wife is comforted by the image of a temple worthy husband. I lie to my children when they question an aspect of church history or doctrine, because the truth would place them in the same pressure cooker I am in. I lie to my wife because she finds the truth so disturbing. I lie because telling the truth is more painful than a comforting lie. And I learned to lie from you. You are lying to the membership by your silence (and denial) regarding information that is vital to faith. People base their faith on incorrect information; you know this; and you remain silent. You lie for the same reason that I lie; because people prefer a comforting lie over a disturbing truth. I am trapped here because of the culture you have created, and I am reduced to using the same tactics you use at the expense of personal integrity.

Your understanding of the culture you created and perpetuate through established programs is dismal. You preach adherence to the guidance of the brethren; you promise blessings for obedience to programs and leaders; you build a structure of dependence and hierarchical authoritarianism; you inculcate an environment of conformance without regard to individuality; and you do all of this with the stated intent of blessing and improving lives, relationships and family bonds. Your programs have evolved into a culture with the opposite effect than the one you intended; members feel constantly inadequate regardless of their effort; families pressure struggling children with bad advice that comes from your talks and books; you raise the bar, a blatant slap in the face to those who do not fit within your misguided program. Programs flounder not because of poor execution but because they are poor programs. When such negative results reach your ears, you are saddened that the poor members just do not see the vision; that they cannot learn the vital lessons. It never occurs to you that your inspiration and leadership is the flawed element. Either you are uninspired or uninformed, but your leadership is causing more suffering than blessings. But this is not really about bad programs. Rather, it is about faulty foundations. I do not expect you to acknowledge that the church is not what it claims to be, but I demand that you acknowledge your part in the failures. Stop blaming failure on the members. It is cheap and dishonest.

So, I am angry to the point of despair. I do not expect you to do anything with this information, except try to track me down and deal with me through your secret “committees”. I would resign today if I thought my family could remain intact. But I will continue to coax my family closer to the truth with longsuffering and gentle persuasion, and when they can see the real story without demonizing their father, son, and husband, then I will relish our departure and be rid of you and your unrighteous dominion. Someday I will not be so afraid of your influence, and I will confront your abuse of power directly.

Your success is over. You had a small window of opportunity to be forthcoming and open, and you have missed it. History is against you. Science is against you. TRUTH is against you. As you become more closed and protective, you will appear more ridiculous from the outside. Even though you will probably interpret this result to be “prophecy fulfilled,” the result will be the same. Enjoy your last breath of illusory comfort, because it will not last.

I am not alone. I am part of a growing community of knowledgeable members who will not be silenced for long. You have no idea how to deal with us because you fear our power. You fear it because you know that truth is on our side. I would feel pity for you except for the inexpiable arrogance that you currently display without remorse. The law of the harvest will be your undoing. You have sown seeds of benevolent deception; you shall reap a harvest of faithful rebellion..


Faithful Apostate


In part, click on link to see whole time line:  Edit it appears the link has been scrubbed for the moment, I am going to add the full text of what I saved:

"Mormon Timeline: 1972 to 2001
Timeline of the Mormon Religion - 1972 to 2001  
Mark Felt, "Deepthroat" of Watergate Scandal infamy, is Mormon. Felt who is also the number two man in the FBI at the time, leaks secret information about the Watergate break-in to the Washington Post, which ultimately destroys the Nixon Presidency. It has been documented by Felt himself that he did this because of the Mormon “Doctrine of the Constitution Hanging by a Thread”, which he learned growing up in the predominantly Mormon Idaho. However, what is not widely known is that Mormons holding high-level positions within the Republican Party, and Mormons who controlled Howard Hughes, conspired to leak information to the Nixon presidency in order to induce Nixon to break into Watergate. Watergate was actually a Nixon set-up. Felt who was the # 2 man at the FBI in an FBI that was becoming more and more dominated by Mormons, is also upset that Nixon is not going to promote him as the new head of the FBI.

Karl Rove, the Senior Advisor to President Bush in 2001, is implicated in the Watergate scandal in 1973. This occurs after Terry Dolan goes to the Washington Post with secret tape recordings of Rove who has given training seminars to Young Republicans where he discusses campaign techniques that include digging through opponents’ garbage cans. Because of the tapes, the Post prints an article on August 10, 1973 during the midst of the Watergate scandal entitled "Republican Party Probes Official as “Teacher of Tricks". And, at Nixon's request an FBI agent questions Karl Rove as part of the Watergate investigation.
At the time, Lee Atwater, Rove’s Campaign Chairman for the College Republican National Committee signs an affidavit stating he heard a, "20 minute anecdote similar to the one described in the Washington Post" in July of 1972, but that, "it was a funny story during a coffee break". Former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean, who is also implicated in the Watergate break-in, and who becomes the prosecution’s star witness is quoted at the time as saying, "Based on my review of the files, it appears the Watergate prosecutors were interested in Rove’s activities in 1972, but because they had bigger fish to fry they did not aggressively investigate him".

After Hughes dies in 1976, a hand-written will allegedly written by Howard Hughes in 1968 is discovered. The will, which becomes known as the “Mormon Will” is discovered at the headquarters of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City, and claims to leave 1/16 of Hughes’ estate to Dummar and a similar amount the Mormon Church. However, the will contains many discrepancies:

It names ex-Hughes confidant Noah Dietrich as executor even though Dietrich left Hughes' employ on bad terms almost 20-years before the will was written. The will left money to the Mormon Church even though he had never been a Mormon (Hughes company had come to be dominated by Mormons at the time of his death) Two of Hughes’ ex-wives were named beneficiaries even though both of them signed alimony settlements, which barred them from making claims on the Hughes' estate. The will was poorly written and included many misspellings including the name of Hughes’ cousin. It referred to the famous “Hughes H-4 Hercules” as the "Spruce Goose" even though Hughes had always despised that nickname. 

The will strangely left "Melvin DuMar" of Gabbs, Nevada one-sixteenth of Hughes' estate. At the time, Dummar, who would have inherited around $156 million, claims to know nothing about the will, and proceeds to tell his story about how he allegedly picked up Hughes in 1967. But, after authorities discover Dummar's fingerprint on the envelope containing the “Mormon Will”, Dummar changes his story and states that a well-dressed man came to his service station and delivered the will in a sealed envelope. He also states that a note accompanying the will instructed Dummar to deliver it to the headquarters of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City, which was also bequeathed 1/16th of Hughes’ estate.

A later investigation reveals that Bonnie Dummar, Dummar's wife, worked for a magazine called Millionaire, which had a large base of wealthy Americans that subscribed to the magazine; and, it was determined that, in her capacity as an employee of Millionaire, she had access to Hughes' memos and signature. But, Bonnie Dummar denied every forging the will. A Nevada jury later declared in June of 1978 that the “Mormon Will” is forgery, and no portion of Hughes' estate was ever distributed to Dummar or the Mormon Church, and no criminal charges are ever filed

In 1978, Mormon President Spencer W. Kimball receives a revelation from God that reveals Blacks may now hold the Melchizedek Priesthood, and on June 9, 1978, the religion’s first presidency issues a press release announcing that Blacks can hold the Melchizedek Priesthood. During this same time-period, the Mormon Church is also under intense political pressure due to their discriminatory beliefs, including the cancellation of football games by other universities who refuse to play BYU athletic teams. Coincidentally, on March 1, 1975, Kimball announced plans to build a Mormon temple in Sao Paulo, Brazil. And, it’s thought that Kimball’s revelation about Blacks played a large part in facilitating the building of the new temple because a key problem surrounding the building of the temple was the issue of priesthood eligibility. Due to the extensive mixing of races in Brazil, it was thought to be nearly impossible to determine whether or not Mormons passing through the temple would have any “Black blood”, and the hierarchy realized how difficult it might be to restrict persons of black descent from attending temple ceremonies.
On June 3, 1983, Gordon Kahl, a Mormon white supremacist, is killed in a confrontation with U.S. Marshals. Because of the incident, Richard Wayne Snell, an associate of Kahl’s begins targeting the Alfred P. Murrah for a retaliatory bombing. Snell is also a frequent visitor to Elohim City, Oklahoma where the Oklahoma City bombing was planned in 1994.
In “Daniel’s Prophecy of the Rise of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days”, Mormon prophecy teaches that the “Church” originally founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, or the “Christian Church”, is not really the fulfillment of Daniel’s great prophecy of the true Kingdom of God, which God promised to restore in the last days. And, between 1944 and 1984, Mark Peterson, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles states:

"When He [God] placed the mark on Cain, He engaged in segregation. When he told Enoch not to preach the gospel to the descendants of Cain who were black, the Lord engaged in segregation. When He cursed the descendants of Cain as to the Priesthood, He engaged in segregation" (Race Problems, p.15). Mormons were taught that even though Blacks could never be exalted and become Gods, they could enter the celestial kingdom. In his Race Problems as they Affect the Church speech (p.17), Peterson said, "If that Negro is faithful all his days, he can and will enter the celestial kingdom. He will go there as a servant, but he will get a celestial resurrection." 

Richard Wayne Snell is arrested in 1984 after killing a pawnshop owner he mistakenly believes is Jewish, and after killing Arkansas State Trooper Luis Bryant who is Black. Snell is found guilty and placed on Death Row in Arkansas. While on death Row, Snell’s spiritual advisor is Robert Millar who lives in Elohim City. And, in 1994 Millar is alleged to have acted as a "messenger" between Snell and Tim McVeigh. Snell is later executed on April 19, 1995, the same day as the Oklahoma City bombing. Prior to his execution, Snell asks officials if he can watch television and as he watches reports of the Oklahoma City bombing he is seen “smiling and chuckling". Snell is also quoted as saying, “They really picked the wrong day to execute me”, and it is alleged that he had been saying for days that there was going to be a bombing or an explosion on April 19th. Snell is executed twelve-hours after the bomb rips apart the Alfred P. Murrah building, and is later buried in Elohim City.

In “Daniel’s Prophecy of the Rise of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days”, Mormon prophecy teaches that the “Church” originally founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, or the “Christian Church”, is not really the fulfillment of Daniel’s great prophecy of the true Kingdom of God, which God promised to restore in the last days. And, between 1972 and 1985, Bruce McConkie, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles states:

“Hence, true and acceptable Christianity is found among the saints who have the fulness of the gospel, and a perverted Christianity holds sway among the so-called Christians of apostate Christendom. In these circles it is believed and taught that Christianity had its beginning with the mortal ministry of our Lord. Actually, of course, Adam was the first Christian...” Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, page. 132.
“The titles church of the devil and great and abominable church are used to identify all churches...--which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation...There is no salvation outside this one true Church...” “There is no salvation outside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints”. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 1-350). Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 137, 138, 670.

"Mormonism is Christianity; Christianity is Mormonism…Mormons are true Christians; their worship is the pure, unadulterated Christianity authored by Christ and accepted by Peter, James, and John and all the ancients”. (Mormon Doctrine, pg. 513).
Ali Mohammed, the Al Qaeda undercover spy who masterminded the assignation of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981, becomes a United States citizen and lives in Santa Clara, California. Mohammed is able to enter the United States after he meets a mysterious American woman by the name of Linda Lee Sanchez during a flight to the United States. Ali marries her within weeks of meeting her. Mohammed is 34 at the time and Sanchez is 43.
While Mohammed is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (where McVeigh is also later stationed), he allegedly takes military maps and training manuals off-base to a Kinko’s where he copies and reduces them, and writes Al Qaeda's multi-volume terrorist training guide. Mohammed is also claimed to be involved with the group that kills Rabbi Kahane in New York in 1990, is claimed to have helped procure the explosives for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, is claimed to have been helped plan and execute the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, is claimed to have been instrumental in the planning and execution of the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and is said to have been Osama Bin Laden’s chief of security. Ali is alleged to have been a one-time CIA asset and FBI asset.
Al Qaeda spy in the US Ali Mohammed is involved with the group that kills Rabbi Kahane in New York.
On August 21, 1992, agents of the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) are sent to Ruby Ridge, Idaho to arrest Randy Weaver on weapons charges. Weaver is Mormon. The arrest is precipitated by an event, which occurs in 1990 and entails BATF agents who attempt to coerce Weaver into acting as an informant for their investigation into the Aryan Nations in Idaho, which is dominated by Mormons. When Weaver refuses, the BATF files charges in June and a federal grand jury later indicts him in December for making and possessing, but not for selling, illegal weapons. 

The events of Ruby Ridge are a tragedy, and Federal agents kill members of Weaver’s family during their attempts to arrest Randy Weaver. Because of the tragedy, a 12-day standoff ensues, which involves several hundred Federal agents who surround Weaver’s house and attempt to persuade him to surrender. Ultimately, a negotiating team led by Bo Gritz, who is Mormon, resolves the standoff. At one point during the siege, while a TV camera crew is interviewing Gritz, a woman spectator jumps from the crowd into the television camera’s field of view and yells, “The time is now…the Constitution is hanging by a thread!” The Ruby Ridge incident also begins being cited as one of the key motives behind the Oklahoma City bombing. Coincidentally, Bo Gritz is later hired as a consultant for Dyno-Nobel, which is later implicated in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Bo Gritz is said to have been a CIA asset.

At the time of the incident, Mormon FBI agent Eugene Glenn, who is later placed in charge of the FBI’s Salt Lake City office, publicly exposes FBI agent Larry Potts who approved the especially aggressive “rules of engagement” for Ruby Ridge from Potts’ office in Washington, D.C., which inadvertently leads to members of Weaver’s family being killed. In December of 1994, FBI Director Louis Freeh promotes agent Potts to his Chief Deputy, the # 2 post in the FBI. Coincidentally, Potts is alleged to have been physically In the Alfred P. Murrah building before, during and after the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing (the FBI’s offices were locate in the Murrah building). After the bombing, in July of 1995, Freeh removes Potts as the # 2 man in the FBI and states, “…[Potts] is unable to perform his duties effectively because of controversy over the 1992 siege in Idaho”. In 2007, Terry Nichols, Timothy McVeigh’s co-conspirator in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, accuses Potts of directing McVeigh to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City. Nichols testimony is suspect because he is Mormon and was with McVeigh (Catholic) in Elohim City while the bombing was being planned.

Note – It appears quite possible that there may have been political infighting within the FBI, and that a Mormon contingent inside the Bureau was angry at a non-Mormon contingent for what happened at Ruby Ridge, and Oklahoma City may have been the revenge. Additionally, it appears that Mormon FBI agents in the Bureau have been less than forthcoming about all of the Mormon connections to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11.

Dennis Mahon, the former Imperial Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and founder of the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) who lives in Tulsa frequently visits Elohim City for fellowship, target practice and paramilitary training. He also begins receiving monthly payments from Saddam Hussein and Iraq after he begins holding public rallies to protest the Persian Gulf War. Coincidentally, Ramsey Yousef enters the United States with an Iraqi passport, and men of middle-eastern in descent allegedly are seen around the sight of the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995.

In one of their ceremonial “Baptisms for the dead”, the Mormon Church baptizes Adolf Hitler as a Mormon and bestows the Melchizedek Priesthood upon him.

Al Qaeda spy in the US Ali Mohammed is involved with procuring the explosives for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Mohammed has very strong ties to Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is Yousef’s uncle, and all are members of Al Qaeda.

Salt Lake City based Dyno-Nobel sells the ammonium nitrate that Ramzi Yousef uses in the 1st World Trade Center bombing in 1993. The subsequent case pertaining to this incident is filed August 18, 1999 in the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, case number No. 98-5045, in Port Authority of New York and New Jersey vs. Dyno Nobel, Inc. Additionally, a Ryder truck rental is used in the 1st World Trade Center bombing, and the owner and CEO of Ryder trucks is a Mormon stake president in Florida by the name of Anthony Burns.
The Oklahoma City bombing is planned in the polygamist town of Elohim City, which is named after the Mormon God Elohim who Mormons believe lives on a planet that revolves around the great governing star of Kolob. Other groups of white supremacist and militias associated with Elohim City included The Order, Covenant Sword and Arm, White Aryan Resistance, Aryan Republican Army and the Michigan Militia. 

The plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah building is allegedly formulated in Elohim City in the fall of 1994 under the guidance of Andreas Strassmeier who is a German national, Dennis Mahon, Chevie Kehoe, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols and others. Strassmeier becomes a close friend and confidant of Timothy McVeigh, and is claimed by many investigators to be “John Doe # 2” who is seen with McVeigh and Nichols at the scene of the Oklahoma City bombing on the morning of April 19th. In addition to training neo-Nazi and militia groups, Strassmeier is also involved in other curious activities, which according to an FBI report dated May 10, 1995, includes an attempt to purchase a Boing-747 from Lufthansa Airlines. It is alleged at the time that Strassmeier is a CIA asset, and later that Mahan is a CIA asset.

In November, Terry Nichols, Timothy McVeigh’s partner in the upcoming April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, travels to Cebu City the Philippines to meet with Ramzi Yousef who was instrumental in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Nichols is also a member of the Michigan Militia, and Mark Koernke, the leader of the Michigan Militia, is a Mormon. Throughout its history, the Mormon religion refers to the Catholic religion as “the great whore”. Terry Nichols is a Mormon and Timothy McVeigh is Catholic.

In December of 1994, FBI Director Louis Freeh promotes FBI agent Larry Potts to his Chief Deputy (the # 2 post in the FBI), and it is alleged that Potts was physically at the Oklahoma City office of the FBI (in the Murrah building) before, during and after the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Potts is also the FBI agent who approved the aggressive “rules of engagement” at Ruby Ridge where members of Randy Weaver’s family (who are Mormon) are killed by the FBI.
Note – It appears quite possible that there may have been political infighting within the FBI, and that a Mormon contingent inside the Bureau was angry at a non-Mormon contingent for what happened at Ruby Ridge, and Oklahoma City may have been the revenge. Additionally, it appears that Mormon FBI agents in the Bureau have been less than forthcoming about all of the Mormon connections to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11.

In March of 1995, Taking Aim, the official newsletter of the Militia of Montana, issues a “call to arms” for April 19, which is same the day as the Oklahoma City bombing. The following except is taken from the Taking Aim “call to arms”: 

"If this day does not ring a bell for you then maybe this will jog your memory. 

·         April 19, 1775: Lexington burned.
·         April 19, 1943: Warsaw burned.
·         April 19, 1992: The feds attempted to raid Randy Weaver...
·         April 19, 1993: The Branch Davidians burned.
April 19, 1995: Richard Snell will be executed_unless we act now!!!" 

On April 19th, Timothy McVeigh (who is Catholic) detonates an ammonium nitrate bomb that has the same signature as the ammonium nitrate bomb that was used in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing had. Additionally, a Ryder truck rental is used in the Oklahoma City bombing, and the owner and CEO of Ryder trucks is a Mormon stake president by the name of Anthony Burns who lives in Florida. 

Dyno-Nobel, the Salt Lake City based company that supplied the ammonium nitrate that Ramzi Yousef used in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, is implicated the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing as well. It is claimed that McVeigh’s ammonium nitrate bomb is actually used to cover-up the signature a much more powerful “electrostatic bomb”, which actually destroyed the Murrah building. The “electrostatic bomb” was developed at Dyno-Nobel by explosives genius Michael Riconosciuto, the son of Marshall Riconosciuto who originally founded Dyno-Nobel as Hercules Powder. Riconosciuto (who is not Mormon) found himself surrounded by the many Mormon who also worked at Dyno-Nobel. Further, the ammonium nitrate used by Timothy McVeigh for the Oklahoma City bombing is shipped from the Mormon town of Henderson, Nevada, and the delivery truck was purchased at government auction and is painted to resemble a working mail truck. Henderson is also just 60-miles from Kingman, Arizona where McVeigh lived just prior to the bombing. Dyno-Nobel is said to have been a CIA “front” company, and Riconosciuto is claimed to be a CIA asset.
Numerous witnesses to the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19th describe the characteristics of an explosion that couldn’t have occurred with an ammonium nitrate bomb. One victim who had was in the HUD office in the Murrah Building described in a National Public Radio interview on May 23, 1995 that she had felt a heat wave and a static electricity charge immediately before the windows blew in. Diana Bradley, who lost her mother and two children in the bombing, said she felt electricity running through her body just before the bomb went off. Another victim, Ramona McDonald who was driving about block away remembers seeing a brilliant flash and described feeling static electricity. She stated, "It made a real loud static electricity sound. It sounded like big swarm of bees…you could actually hear it. The next thing was a real sharp clap, like thunder”. McDonald also described seeing gold and blue flashes of light. Coincidentally, Riconosciuto called his new bomb, “blue lightening”.

On April 19th, the same day as the Oklahoma City Bombing, a white supremacist by the name of Richard Wayne Snell is executed twelve hours after the bomb rips apart the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City. Coincidentally, Snell had originally targeted the Murrah building for bombing in 1983 after Gordon Kahl, a fellow white supremacist, was killed in a confrontation with U.S. Marshals in 1983, and Kahl was Mormon. Snell is later buried in Elohim City where the Oklahoma City bombing was planned. 

Snell is arrested in 1984 after killing a pawnshop owner he mistakenly believes is Jewish, and after killing Arkansas State Trooper Luis Bryant who is Black. After his arrest, Snell was found guilty and placed on Death Row in Arkansas, and while on death Row, his spiritual advisor is Robert Millar who lives in Elohim City. And, Millar is said to have acted as a "messenger" between McVeigh and Snell.
It is also reported that Snell is defiant on the day of his execution. A log entry by a prison guard on the morning of April 19th states, "Inmate Snell says today is a very significant day for various reasons and Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker picked a bad day". According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Snell "smiled and chucked" as he watched television coverage of the bombing. The paper also indicated that Snell had been predicting that there would be a bombing or explosion on April 19th for 4-days prior to the explosion.

On the morning of April 19, 1995 at 8:59 a.m. EDT, slightly more than an hour before the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building, which occurs just after 9:00 a.m. CDT, Texas Congressman Steve Stockman receives a mysterious fax that refers to an explosion in Oklahoma. The fax is sent by someone known as “Wolverine” and reads, “First update Bldg 7 to 10 floors only Military people on scene - BATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms], F.B.I. Bomb threat received last week. Perpetrator unknown at this time. Oklahoma." It is later learned that Michigan Militia Leader Mark Koernke sent the fax to Stockman, and Mark Koernke is Mormon.

On the morning of April 19, 1995, Chevy Kehoe, Timothy McVeigh’s polygamist bank-robbing associate from Elohim City, is involved in a strange incident in Spokane, Washington where he is attempting to establish a white Aryan nation. The manager of the Spokane hotel that Kehoe is staying at indicates that Kehoe asked to have the television in the motel lobby turned to CNN about 7:15 AM PST, which is 45-minutes before the Oklahoma City bombing. The manager also states, "…days before that, he had mentioned to me that there's going to be something happening on the 19th and it's going to wake people up”. The manager also describes Kehoe as being ecstatic when the bombing is announced on television. "It is about time", Kehoe is reportedly to have exclaimed at the time. Kehoe is Mormon.

FBI Director Louis Freeh removes FBI agent Larry Potts as the number-2 man in the FBI in July of 1995, and states, “…[Potts] is unable to perform his duties effectively because of controversy over the 1992 siege in Idaho”. It is alleged that Potts was physically at the Oklahoma City office of the FBI (in the Murrah building) before, during and after the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Potts is also the FBI agent who approved the aggressive “rules of engagement” at Ruby Ridge where members of Randy Weaver’s family (who are Mormon) are killed by the FBI. 

Note – It appears quite possible that there may have been political infighting within the FBI, and that a Mormon contingent inside the Bureau was angry at a non-Mormon contingent for what happened at Ruby Ridge, and Oklahoma City may have been the revenge. Additionally, it appears that Mormon FBI agents in the Bureau have been less than forthcoming about all of the Mormon connections to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11.

Jury selection for trial of Timothy McVeigh begins in Denver, Colorado on March 31, 1997, and opening arguments begin on April 24th. But, on April 2nd, a strange incident occurs, which causes the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Colorado Springs to be put on security alert. The heightened security occurred after rumors spread that Air Force pilot Captain Craig Button, or some extremist group, has stolen an A-10 “Tank Buster” jet fighter laden with live bombs to carry out a terrorist raid on McVeigh’s Denver trial. Captain Button and his plane later vanished over Colorado on April 2nd.
Earlier that morning, Button is flying in formation from Tucson, Arizona to the Yuma bombing range when he breaks formation, began flying below radar and heads towards Denver Colorado where the McVeigh trial is being held. A prospective juror in the McVeigh trial is said he had overheard people talking about the missing military jet, and that it might have something to do with the case. But, Gen. John Shalikashvili, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discounts those rumors. Interestingly, Captain Button is Mormon, and is reportedly distraught after a recent visit by his parents in Tucson, Arizona where he is training to fly the A-10. Button’s father, who had also been in the Air Force, was also a Mormon.

On June 17, 1997, Chevy Kehoe is arrested in Cedar City Utah. Kehoe is a Mormon white supremacist and polygamist who robbed banks to help finance the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Kehoe was also a frequent visitor to Elohim City, was an associate of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols and assisted in the planning of the Oklahoma City Bombing in Elohim City. Coincidentally, Kehoe is arrested in Cedar City, Utah, which is only about 30-miles from the site of the September 11th, 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre.

Time Magazine quotes sociologist Rodney Stark as saying there will be approximately 260 million Mormons worldwide by 2080, which will make the Mormon religion the most important new religion since Islam.
An Oklahoma City Grand Jury investigating the Oklahoma City bombing concludes their 18-month investigation and states, "…we have not been presented with or uncovered information sufficient to indict any additional conspirators", and they only indict Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols in the bombing. Ironically, during their investigation, and in an effort to satisfy everyone that it really was just McVeigh’s ammonium nitrate bomb that was responsible for destroying the Murrah building, prosecutors called in one bomb expert, and one bomb expert only, to testify on the dynamics of the bombing. It also turns out that the bomb expert is a gentleman by the name of Robert Hopler, and Hopler just recently retired from Dyno-Nobel, the same Salt Lake City based explosives manufacturer that supplied the ammonium nitrate used by Ramzi Yousef for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing as well as the “electrostatic bomb” that is alleged to have been the more powerful bomb that actually destroyed the Murrah building. Hopler testifies, not surprisingly, that the ammonium nitrate bomb made by McVeigh provided all of the destructive force needed to destroy the Alfred P. Murrah building.

Al Qaeda spy in the U.S. Ali Mohammed is involved in the planning and execution of the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, Africa. He even takes time off from his job in the United States to fly to Kenya and Tanzania to take the pictures that will be used by Al Qaeda in the planning and execution of the bombing.
On September 10, 1998, Ali Mohammed is subpoenaed in the aftermath of the U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and is arrested while attempting to flee to Egypt.
Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah appears to reference the Mormon prophecy of “The Doctrine of the Constitution Hanging by a Thread” during an interview he gives on “The Doug Wright Show” on KSL in Salt Lake in 1999.
“They tolerate everything that's bad, and they're intolerant of everything that's good. Religious freedom is going to go down the drain, too. I’ve never seen it worse than this, where the Constitution literally is hanging by a thread.”
Heidi Swinton writes The American Prophet, which provides additional insights into the psyche of the Mormon Church, as illustrated by the following passages: 

“…A holy war, it had raged for years. Joseph Smith and his religious faithful had sought to establish their Zion in one community after another” 

“…His (Smith’s) was more than a religious movement. It was, as described in 1842 by the editor of the New York Herald, "a spiritual system, combined also with morals and industry, that may change the destiny of the race”

The book also provides a heartfelt and intimate look at the touching bond between slave-owners and what “American Prophet” describes as the claim of a young black woman who was “employed” at the Smith home in 1844, just before Smith was arrested for treason against the United States.

“…Jane James, a young black woman who had been employed at the Smith home, described her feelings of loss: "Yes, indeed. I [knew] the Prophet Joseph. That lovely hand! He used to put it out to me. Never passed me without shaking hands with me wherever he was. Oh, he was the finest man I ever saw on earth.. . . When he was killed . . . I could have died, just laid down and died."

Note – The timeline already documents that Mormons actually moved to Missouri because it was a slave state and that the institution of slavery was a significant cause of the conflict between Mormons and non-Mormons in every location they settled. The timeline also includes a letter that Smith wrote in the Mormon newspaper Messenger and Advocate in April of 1836, which provides his insights about being visited by Federal abolitionists. Further, the timeline also documents that the Utah Territory was the only slave territory in the western territories of the United States.

In October of 1999, while addressing the Mormon faithful at their semi-annual General Conference, Mormon President Gordon Hinckley references the secret Mormon prophecy known as “Daniel’s Prophecy of the Rise of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days”.

“…The Almighty Judge of the nations, the Living God, determined that the times of which the prophets had spoken had arrived. Daniel had foreseen a stone which was cut out of the mountain without hands and which became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” 

This same prophesy also teaches that the new “Mormon dispensation of religion” will culminate in the: 

“…conquering of the Kingdom of America and all of the other kingdoms of the World” 

Joseph Smith issued this prophecy in 1843, while attempting to overthrow the Government of the United States, and prophesies that the “Church” originally founded by Jesus Christ and his apostles, or the “Christian Church”, is not really the fulfillment of Daniel’s great prophecy of the true Kingdom of God, which God promised to restore in the last days. The prophecy teaches that there will be another “dispensation” of the “Church” that will come after the “dispensation” of the “Christian Church”, and that this new dispensation will culminate in the “conquering of the Kingdom of America and all of the other kingdoms of the World”, and that these conquered kingdoms will become vassals of the Mormon Kingdom of Elohim, and his Christ.

In July of 2000, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehi, two of the four 9/11 terrorist pilots, begin training at Huffman Aviation in Venice, Florida. Atta and Al-Shehi each pay Rudi Dekkers an inflated price of $28,000 to begin their flight training. It also turns out that the secret owner of Huffman Aviation is a man by the name of Wallace Hilliard who is a Mormon Bishop. And, 3-weeks after Atta and Al-Shehi begin their training at Huffman, Wallace Hilliard’s Learjet, which at the time sits on the runway at Orlando’s Executive Airport, is surrounded by DEA agents with submachine guns who seize the Learjet and the 43-pounds of heroin found on-board. Coincidentally, heroin is Osama Bin Laden’s main export out of the Golden Triangle area of Pakistan.
Bonneville International, a Mormon Church owned media holding company, would be the nation’s 12th largest media company if the Mormon company were a real corporation, and had to pay taxes.
On February 14, 2001, Michael Riconosciuto, who used to work for Dyno-Nobel, writes a letter to Congressman Brian Baird from prison warning about an impending attack against the United States. He is able to do this because he continues his intelligence contacts even though he is incarcerated, which he does in an effort to understand how he came to be perceived as a threat to the United States and arrested in the first place. His continuing investigations lead him to a trusted source that provides high-level information about the planned September 11th terrorist attacks. 

In his letter, Riconosciuto calls Representative Baird's attention to the "extreme urgency" and "time sensitive" nature of the information contained within his letter. He says his Islamic source has "a chillingly accurate track record" and is prepared to reveal much more information if the American Government will provide him with immunity. Unfortunately, Michael Riconosciuto’s warnings are met with a perfunctory listening and outright dismissal. Riconosciuto is also particularly wary of the FBI, and maintains that the FBI has continually betrayed him.

Note – Riconosciuto, who is not Mormon, was surrounded by Mormons when he worked at Dyno-Nobel. And, Dyno-Nobel is implicated in both the 1993 World Trade Center and 1995 Oklahoma City bombings. Additionally, There may have been Mormon agents within the FBI that conspired in the planning and execution of the Oklahoma City bombing, and covering up the multitude of Mormon connections to the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (ex. – Elohim City, which is named after the Mormon God Elohim).

On September 11th, 2001 terrorists execute massive attacks in New York and Washington DC. Two of the four terrorist pilots, Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehi, are trained at Huffman Aviation in Florida, which is secretly owned by Wallace Hilliard who is a Mormon Bishop. 9/11 is also now the 4th reference to September the 11th in Mormon Lore. The other three are shown below:
September 11, 1831 – After being forced out of New York, Joseph Smith angrily writes his first prophecy about September 11th on September 10, 1831 in Kirtland, Ohio. Smith writes his prophecy in the “Doctrine and Covenants”, which is where Smith documents all of his prophesies.

“For after today cometh the burning for verily I say, tomorrow all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, for I am the Lord of Hosts; and I will not spare any that remain in Babylon.” 

September 11, 1836 – Just before the Missouri conflict turns into a full fledged war in 1836, Joseph Smith writes a letter to Lyman Wight, his chief military commander in Missouri, wherein he states, “September 11, 1836, “…is the appointed time for the redemption of Zion”. 

September 11, 1857 – In a manner eerily similar to that of the Gunnison Massacre of 1853, Mormon Danites and members of the Nauvoo Legion dress-up as Indians and massacre 120 innocent men women and children in what is known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The only Mormon ever prosecuted for this atrocity, John D. Lee who is a “danite” and Brigham Young's adopted son, claims that Brigham Young ordered the attack in retaliation for President Buchanan’s order to remove him as Governor.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney is in charge of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Coincidentally, Vice President Cheney has planned for 5 war-games exercises for 9/11 that entail the hypothetical hijackings of commercial airliners by terrorists who use them as bombs and fly them into strategic targets inside the United States. Cheney is ostensibly in charge of NATO to direct these war games. And, because of the confusion surrounding Cheney’s war-games exercises, authorities who are dealing with the “real” 9/11 scenario are not able to ascertain which events are “real-time” and which events are part of Cheney’s war-games exercises. Consequently, they decide to ground every plane in American airspace. Interestingly enough, Cheney’s wife is Mormon, his son works in Salt Lake City and Cheney has extensive personal ties to the Mormon Church. 

Coincidentally, during Cheney's term as Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993, both Cheney and Cheney’s legal counsel, David Addington, were intensely interested in the U.S. Continuity of Operations Plan (CO-OP), which could be invoked by a President in the event of a nuclear attack inside of America, which was partially implemented just after 9/11. Another phrase for Co-Op is the President’s “Emergency War Powers Legislation”, which can be invoked by the President of the United States during a time of national emergency. CO-OP provides for an "enduring Constitutional government" under a "paramount unitary executive" with "cooperation from Congress and several Courts”. Cheney’s and Addington’s intense interest in CO-OP was originally reported by the New Yorker, and was taken to the extent that Cheney began practicing drills and spending nights in an undisclosed bunker.

It has also been speculated that the undisclosed bunker where Cheney practiced invoking CO-OP was the same "secure undisclosed location" that Cheney occupied during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Addington is said to have been so serious about CO-OP that for years he carried a copy of the U.S. Constitution his pocket, which had photocopies of the President’s “emergency war powers legislation” that detailed the powers of the President under the “legislation / CO-OP” and documented that Presidential succession in a time of national emergency. Additionally, Former Secretary of State Colin Powell has allegedly stated in private that Cheney’s legal council, David Addington, was responsible for the NSA wiretapping of U.S. citizens without a warrant, and allegedly stated, "It's Addington…and further he doesn't care about the Constitution”.

Immediately after 9/11, Timothy Flanigan, begins working with Vice President Dick Cheney and David Addington, Cheney’s legal counsel, to help draft new emergency war powers legislation that are specifically aimed at overcoming the limitations of the Executive Branch of the Government. Addington, allegedly a CIA asset, has always advocated that, under the Constitution, the President has unlimited powers as Commander-in-Chief during wartime. Coincidentally, Timothy Flanigan is a Mormon who attended BYU; and, in 1957 J. Reuben Clark, a member of the 12-Apostles of the Mormon Church who discovered in the 1920’s that the Constitutional checks and balances could be circumvented by a President of the United States by invoking emergency war powers legislation, gave a speech to young scions of the Mormon Church wherein he explained that the time was now to fulfill the secret Mormon prophecy of “Daniel”. In another coincidence, Mormons have been trying to overthrow the Government of the United States since 1930 when they officially became a Church in New York, and have many prophesies about overthrowing the Government of the United States, which include, “The Doctrine of the Constitution Hanging by a Thread” and “Daniel’s Prophecy of the Rise of the Kingdom of God in the Last Days”. In fact, Joseph Smith himself was arrested for treason against the United States in 1844 for attempting to do just that.

In conjunction with the terrorist attacks of 9/11, 22 people are made ill by an anthrax attacks that originate within the United States. The deadly anthrax virus is distributed in letters via U.S. mail to media executives and political figures, and postal workers are exposed as well. Dr. Steven Hatfill is later investigated in conjunction with these events, and acquitted of any involvement. Coincidentally, Dr. Larry Ford and Dr. Jerry Nilsson are also involved with the deadly Anthrax virus during this period of time as well, and there is not much information regarding any investigations into them. In yet another coincidence, Dr. Ford and Dr. Nilsson knew each other well, worked closely with one another and both men are Mormons. It also turns out that Dr. Ford was allegedly involved with the radical white supremacists that resided around Henderson, Nevada and Kingman, Arizona. Radical Mormon white supremacists are know to lives in these areas, and Timothy McVeigh lived in Kingman just before the Oklahoma City bombing. Additionally, Dr. Nilsson and Dr. Hatfill both fought with the Rhodesian SAS in Africa. And, allegedly, all three are/were CIA assets.

Just after 9/11, Dennis Mahan moves his white supremacists organization, White Aryan Resistance (WAR), from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Kingman, Arizona. At the time of the move, Mahan is quoted as saying he specifically chose to move to Kingman in order to more easily recruit Mormon white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the Henderson, Nevada and Mesa, Gilbert and Colorado City, Arizona areas. Kingman is also the County seat for the Mormon polygamous community of Elohim City. Coincidentally, Mahan was also allegedly instrumental in the planning of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in Elohim City along with Timothy McVeigh, Andreas Strassmeier, Terry Nichols and Chevie Kehoe. And, Elohim City is named after the Mormon God Elohim who Mormons believe lives on a planet that revolves around the great governing star of Kolob.
After relocating to Kingman, a City Councilman in Gilbert, Arizona receives copy of Mahan’s newspaper and printed at the top in black felt-tip marker is the message, “The proud, stand up White people of Gilbert reject diversity". And, a headline along the bottom of the paper reads: "Tim McVeigh is our hero". Copies of the newspaper, which are printed for recruiting purposes, are also sent to other locations known to have large Mormon populations.

In November of 2001 just weeks after 9/11, Mormon President Gordon B. Hinckley eerily makes the following quote: “Those who observe us say that we are moving into the mainstream of religion. We are not changing. The world's perception of us is changing. We teach the same doctrine".

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