Saturday, February 18, 2012


The down fall of the American Family started w/ the 60’s/70’s & the sexual revolution. The woman's lib movement was taken over by cia operative Gloria 'burn your bras' Steinhem. It was funded by Rockefeller, to intentionally break down the family & to create more tax revenue.

"By the early 70's the deceit level had escalated to borderline criminal when it came to the issue of abortion. Jane Roe had never been raped as alleged before the U.S. Supreme Court. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL has admitted that the 10,000 deaths he alleged by illegal abortion were closer to under a hundred.

The modern politically powerful National Organization for Women has shamefully championed only women whose cases fit their agenda. Nowhere was that more evident than during the Clinton administration when legitimate cases of rape and sexual assault against the President were denigrated to "bimbo eruptions."

If I were a conspiracy buff, I'd think that the entire movement was engineered by men. After all, look at what's happened to women in the past forty years?

* Women are more promiscuous;
* Skanky clothing is now regulation;
* A-list actresses perform like porno stars in films and get nominated for Oscars;
* Aging actresses hitting the big 40 feel required to pose nude on magazine covers to prove they're still attractive;
* Men no longer have to worry about shotgun weddings as women have no scruples about terminating their unborn children;
* Mad scientists have more embryonic stem cells to tinker around with in their scheme to complete Frankenstein's experiments and imitate God.

But perhaps the saddest aspect of the failed sexual revolution is what's been done to the aspirations of young minority women, who've come to believe that success can only come from their bodies rather than their minds. A teacher at a sixth grade at an inner city school and was shocked to learn that her female students are obsessed with sex and their greatest ambition seems to be appearing in a hip hop video with a rap star. These are the ones that have the rapper fully clothed mouthing obscenities surrounded by naked gyrating teenagers. Go to Harlem or barrio clothing stores and see the type of streetwalker gear that's available for budding tweenagers.

Visit the local NY NOW chapter and note that it supports the RHAPP legislation which makes abortion a civil right and allows non medical personnel to perform the procedure. Where's the protection of our young daughters who would be able to get the medically unsupervised invasive procedure without their parents' permission?

The early feminists would be appalled to see what has become of their civil rights legacy. How the word "choice" has been propagandized to mean just the opposite if women chose to be womanly and rock the cradle instead of the boardroom. No wonder Sarah Palin was such a dangerous public figure. She is a strong woman of the pioneer mode who refused to kill her less than perfect unborn child. Everything that could be done to demonize her was implemented and the liberal media is still dissecting her image.

Sarah Palin and conservative women like her remain dangerous to the modern leftist feminists but to the original feminists, they're their dream come true: Equality without the sacrifice of our invaluable human essence

Nancy Levant
December 27, 2005


This brought me to thinking about women who, as a gender, have had a difficult time - historically speaking. Sure, there have been a few female leaders in history, but the bulk of female experience has been unhappy in many ways. Until the 20th Century, the pleasantness of a woman’s life depended upon the decency and kindness of her husband. If she was given to a good man, she was lucky. If she was given to a cruel man, it didn’t matter. And this is true for most women of all cultures, for most women throughout history were not given the right to choose husbands until very recent history. Many, many women still do not have that right.

The 20th Century did, indeed, help some of the female gender. Mostly, it allowed for some opinions to be heard, and in many countries, for votes to be cast. This was a long time coming, and was certainly warranted as women had given birth, cleaned, cooked, planted, and toiled for these rights for centuries. However, many Westernized women took a wrong turn, and particularly so in the United States. American women allowed for the corruption of feminism – the complete and total corruption of feminism – and the results have devastated our nation.

Feminism was not born in the Suffragette Movement. The Suffragettes were women who fought, and mostly with dignity, for the right to vote and higher education. They were not culture-damaging women. They were mothers and wives. They fought for representation and fairness and nothing more. Feminism was born during the Sexual Revolution, which was born from widespread recreational drug use by American teenagers. Why no one ever made the connection is beyond me, but that is the truth of the matter. When youths in high schools and colleges were high, widespread sexual activity was the fallout. It’s the same phenomenon as the “bar” mentality – get drunk and sleep with anybody who is willing. Once American youth were openly sleeping with all their friends, including ones of the same sex, and at the same time under the influence of a one or two decade-long marijuana, cocaine, LSD, hashish, amphetamine party, a mindset kicked in, which perverted the very essence of feminism.

The resulting politicizing of feminism all but destroyed what it means to be a natural and biological female. In fact, feminism became a movement based upon anger, demands, and a demand that women think and believe in a prescribed and documented agenda. Political feminism actually worked to recapture the free will of women. Try disagreeing with a political feminist and discover what a dumb ass your free will has become. Try disagreeing with anything a political feminist has to say about anything. You would get the same attitude and look from a radical environmentalist – no compromise, no reflection, no regard or respect for the opinion of another, no deals. They are unapproachable, arrogant, and believe themselves to be intellectual elites – much akin to their Trilateral/Bilderberg brothers.

Feminism is not brute-force politics. With bated breath, I will tell you what feminism is. Feminism is the result of women who feed and grow their spiritual and biological gifts. That is its sole definition. There is not one American woman who needs a political feminist to define her, represent her, craft her opinions, or her needs as a woman.

Women have the ability to become spiritually advanced creatures, above and beyond the ability of most men to do so. The instinctual and intuitive abilities of women, if nurtured, if paid attention to, and if understood, carry significant mental and intellectual power. Women have a higher link, for lack of a better term, to spiritual sensation.

The easiest way to demonstrate this link is in their ability to develop a mental and loving relationship with children in utero. Most women love their children before they are seen, before they are born. Women have the ability to comprehend and to know the unknown, much like faith, and if this ability is nurtured and developed, it can carry forth with great accuracy into the world.

Women sense danger. Women sense problems. Women sense safety. Women sense future needs. These are vital skills and they are biological gifts, but they are also gifts that evolve around motherhood, children, and nest. So sorry, but truth is not a political agenda. Women who become what contemporary culture refers to as “psychic” are simply women who develop their instincts and intuitions.

Women who are working 70 hours a week, spending time in board meetings knocking out deals, running to gyms, hair, and nail salons, and shopping while their children are in daycare centers 12 hours a day are simply incapable of real feminism. Feminism happens when you develop your female strengths. High-powered careers, gyms, hair and nail salons, and shopping while the kids are sorrow-filled in daycare all work to create anger and resentments in women. Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Most self-inflected wounds do.

Political feminism has taken motherhood, nest, the womanly arts of cooking, gardening, and nurturing away from women. Political feminism has also helped to mandate the two-income family by insisting that American women work outside of the home or be looked down upon by contemporary culture. Political feminism helped to build the deplorable daycare industry, which is literally filled with minimum wage female employees – thanks a lot. Political feminism helped to build the illegal immigrant nanny and handyman industry – thanks a lot. And political feminism helped to build the drive-through junk food industry since working women don’t want to cook, and therefore, don’t know how to cook – thanks a lot. Political feminism helped to build and grow the mental health/big pharma industry, which now specifically targets women and children as in New Freedom Initiative on Mental Health. Thanks one hell of a lot. AND political feminism helped to destroy, literally destroy, the public education system in the United States of America, which is now a full-blown dictatorship. How dare you, and how dare you claim to represent freedom for women.

Many, many contemporary American women are emotional messes. They are pathologically vain, materialistic as clearly demonstrated in their overly decorated, sterile home, and landscaped yards; are grossly self-involved, horrible and mean-spirited mothers and wives, and they are constantly, incessantly, angry and neurotic. American women are shallow. They openly accept television, Hollywood, and magazines as role models for their daughters and themselves. They abuse money and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars annually for beauty regimens, diet supplements, day spas, trinkets, and gym memberships. Many are addicted to a whole array of over-the-counter drugs and beauty aids. This is liberation?

American women wouldn’t understand feminism or liberation if it smacked them in the head. They are so far removed from their spiritual and biological natures that mirrors have become their solace and definition. And the results? Take a look at the condition of American children, marriages, and home lives, and then ask what role political feminism has played to make American women a global laughing stock while their children die spiritual and emotional deaths. American women are so off track they don’t even realize that 90% of televised commercials and programming are insulting, objectifying, or making light of their gender. Then add the death of the Constitution to this heap, which political feminism has been instrumentally shredding for decades and voila! Liberation and freedom of all kinds - gone – poof – just like that!

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