Friday, February 17, 2012

Darwin = racism


 It’s strange how Man thinks he’s so intelligent, and yet he can’t believe that an Entity more intelligent than him exists – and created him! To imagine that two forces somehow banged together sending a bunch of rocks throughout the universe, and we somehow landed on this rock (earth) at the precise safe distance from the Sun, somehow make us dumber than the bunch of rocks. Faith gives us today’s solutions for yesterday’s problems, and the hope of seeing tomorrow.  

Darwin's concepts were used to wipe out non conforming jews out of europe, blacks & disabled as they were considered 'underdeveloped'.  After all if a man thinks we evolved from apes, we can act like apes!? Right!?    





 The Jesuits used the theory of evolution in their quest to wipe out the non-conforming Jews in Europe. Not only did Hitler call them "Christ killers" he called them "the least of human beings".

Did you know that Darwin repeated theories from the 'mystery pagan' religions from ancient Greece & Sumeria (ie man coming from apes.) Darwin forever changed the way man thought about his origins. He plagiarized from Blythe (further didn't give him credit), he spent 20 something odd years on Galapagos Islands possibly going insane? He married his cousin to keep his "blood line pure", he was a Marxist, he was trying to change our ideas about the Creation, & had connections w/ the Jesuits. He has no knowledge about the nature of the spirit soul. He has no clear information as to how the living entity (spirit soul) is transmigrating from one species to another? He does not know whether there is further evolution from the human platform? Does he know whether the spirit soul can transmigrate from the human platform to lower species of life?

"A review of the writings of the founders of communism shows that the theory of evolution, especially as taught by Darwin, was critically important in the development of modern communism. Many of the central architects of communism, including Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels, accepted the worldview portrayed in the book of Genesis until they were introduced to Darwin and other contemporary thinkers, which ultimately resulted in their abandoning that worldview.

      Furthermore, Darwinism was critically important in their conversion to communism and to a worldview that led them to a philosophy based on atheism. In addition, the communist core idea that violent revolution, in which the strong overthrow the weak, was a natural, inevitable part of the unfolding of history from Darwinistic concepts and conclusions.

      Darwinism as a worldview was a critical factor, not only in influencing the development of Nazism, but also in the rise of communism and the communist holocaust that, by one estimate, took the lives of more than 100 million persons.1 Marx, together with his forebears, associates and successors, was a doctrinaire evolutionist who tried to build his society on evolutionary premises. There is abundant documentation of this assessment and, few would even question it.2

      Beate Wilder-Smith suggested that evolution is ‘a central plank in Marxist doctrine today. The Nazis were convinced, as are communists today, that evolution had taken place, that all biology had evolved spontaneously upward, and that inbetween links (or less evolved types) should be actively eradicated. They believed that natural selection could and should be actively aided, and therefore instituted political measures to eradicate the handicapped, the Jews, and the blacks, whom they considered as “underdeveloped” [emphasis in original].’3"

"Darwinism did not begin with the theory established by the amateur observations and investigations of Charles Darwin and other scientists in the 19th century. Its origins go back to much earlier materialist philosophies. Darwinist beliefs were first encountered a few thousand years ago in the polytheistic and materialistic religions of Greece and Sumeria. One can also encounter the fundamental beliefs of the theory of evolution in various superstitious myths (Hindu, Jain, Inca etc.). For example, beliefs based on unscientific and fictitious myths devoid of any scientific foundation are also to be found in the theory of evolution. These include the ideas that all life emerged spontaneously from water as the supposed result of blind chance, that plants, animals and human beings all share a common ancestor, that human beings are supposedly descended from fish, and that all life forms appeared gradually, over a very long period of time, and quite by chance. Charles Darwin was not, therefore, the originator of the theory of evolution. He was the person who again raised all superstitious, pagan beliefs that had been around for hundreds of years once again in the 19th century, under the name of the theory of evolution.

Another pagan myth in Sumerian texts concerns the creation of the human race. These texts describe how a supposed god called Prince Ea was given the task of forming a new human race. The Sumerian texts speak of a process in which Ea altered the genes of an existing apeman or apewoman. As a result of their pagan beliefs, they regarded these as a totally separate species having nothing to do with human beings."


"Saturday, September 19, 2009

Evolution Pushed by Jesuits!

Before anybody dares to condemn Hitler as a Christian, first I'd like to warn again that the Catholic Church is NOT Christian. The average atheist doesn't really know the truth behind evolution and it's time to expose the Jesuit links to evolution- and yes Charles Darwin was NO atheist.

The Big Bang was a Masonic theory pushed by Georges Lemaitre. This theory became the foundation of evolutionism and the revival of ancient pagan religion.

Pierre Telhard de Chardin- responsible for the PILTDOWN man hoax. He just used one skull to say to the world that there is evolution.

The Jesuits used the theory of evolution in their quest to wipe out the non-conforming Jews in Europe. Not only did Hitler call them "Christ killers" he called them "the least of human beings".

And yes, Pope Pius XII was an evolutionist. Pope John Paul II a few years before his death embraced the theory as "fact" and called Genesis a "myth".

Where did they get their theory? Most people don't realize it was from Egypt. Freemasonry is linked to it.

Egypt had the religion of monkeys becoming men. Charles Darwin was a witty Freemason. "

He was a liar, a lunatic or both.

"He was a Lunatic, since Evolution has been dis proven, and was really not readily accepted as a "True Science" until Piltdown man in the 1910's to the 1950's, which sparked the Activists push to have it taught in schools, thereby indoctrinating our children (we are now in the process of ridding ourselves of it with the Intelligent Design Movement) up to where we're at now. And he was a Loser, since Naturalism is dead wrong, both as a Philosophy and as a Science. Charles Darwin is most certainly not the pillar of loyalty in any regards. If we look, most of his works were propagated due to Piltdown man, and of course through Adolf Hitler, which led to the rise of Evolution in the 1900's. The 20th century was not a good one for Science. Hopefully we can change this and get it back to where it needs to be in the 21st century, and not let the Biologists who are just too stubborn to change to run rampant on us as they did within the last century.

Of course, being that most Christians don't care about this, I think this is a problem in a sense. We need to be teaching our kids the right Science, which is Young Earth Creation Science. The Christian Universities and their Private Schools have it right, and unfortunately for the Secular world, the rest have it dead wrong.

Just in case we need some back up proof, why not cite PBS as a source?

1912: Piltdown Man

(Rise of Evolution) (Evolution Challenged)
Is Piltdown Man a "missing link"? Both critics and proponents of evolution eagerly await the discovery of a "missing link" between humans and other primates. The fossil skull called Piltdown Man seems to be this link. The New York Times hails the find of Piltdown Man with the headline "Darwin Theory is Proved True." The find at first bolsters the argument for human evolution -- in the 1920s, a model of the skull is even brought to the Scopes trial by the defense -- but in the 1950s the fossil is revealed as a fake.

The New York Times in 1912 hailed this as a rise of Evolution! What should this tell us? That it wasn't a big deal until this time. In the 1920's the missing link found its way to the Scope Monkey Trials in the 1920s. Contrary to Evolutionary popular opinion, Talk Origins proudly provides a quote that 500 PHDs wrote their dissertations about Piltdown man. Their counter to this is quite weak, and unworthy of real mention. Going with interpretation over facts (which are not provided) are no way to go. His argument is "well maybe this, and well maybe that." Pure speculation is not an argument folks. Thus, here is the quote provided.

"It is agreed that the skull fragments are human and not of great antiquity; that the jawbone is ape; that they have no important evolutionary significance. More than five hundred articles and memoirs are said to have been written about Piltdown man. His rise and fall are a salutary example of human motives, mischief and mistake."

We have a whole series of the whole slew of the hoaxes right here.
1856 -- Neanderthal man discovered
1856 -- Dryopithecus discovered
1859 -- Origin of Species published
1863 -- Moulin Quignon forgeries exposed
1869 -- Cro Magnon man discovered
1871 -- The Descent of Man published
1890 -- Java Man discovered
1898 -- Galley hill "man" discovered [modern, misinterpreted]
1903 -- First molar of Peking man found
1907 -- Heidelberg man discovered
1908 -- Dawson (1908-1911) discovers first Piltdown fragments
1909 -- Dawson and Teilhard de Chardin meet
1912 -- February: Dawson contacts Woodward about first skull fragments
1912 -- June: Dawson, Woodward, and Teilhard form digging team
1912 -- June: Team finds elephant molar, skull fragment
1912 -- June: Right parietal skull bones and the jaw bone discovered
1912 -- Summer: Barlow, Pycraft, G.E. Smith, and Lankester join team.
1912 -- November: News breaks in the popular press
1912 -- December: Official presentation of Piltdown man
1913 -- August: the canine tooth is found by Teilhard
1914 -- Tool made from fossil elephant thigh bone found
1914 -- Talgai (Australia) man found, considered confirming of Piltdown
1915 -- Piltdown II found by Dawson (according to Woodward)
1916 -- Dawson dies.
1917 -- Woodward announces discovery of Piltdown II.
1921 -- Osborn and Gregory "converted" by Piltdown II.
1921 -- Rhodesian man discovered
1923 -- Teilhard arrives in China.
1924 -- Dart makes first Australopithecus discovery.
1925 -- Edmonds reports Piltdown geology error. Report ignored.
1929 -- First skull of Peking man found.
1934 -- Ramapithecus discovered
1935 -- Many (38 individuals) Peking man fossils have been found.
1935 -- Swanscombe man [genuine] discovered.
1937 -- Marston attacks Piltdown age estimate, cites Edmonds.
1941 -- Peking man fossils lost in military action.
1943 -- Fluorine content test is first proposed.
1948 -- Woodward publishes The Earliest Englishman
1949 -- Fluorine content test establishes Piltdown man as relatively recent.
1951 -- Edmonds report no geological source for Piltdown animal fossils.
1953 -- Weiner, Le Gros Clark, and Oakley expose the hoax.

Since this time, theories such as Creation Science have continually been on the rise, and each time an Activist judge has gotten in the mix, and shot us down the opportunity to teach this in public schools. Judge Jones has already been exposed as a liar, which can be found as well on the web if you look hard enough. I do have some arguments readily lined up here. But if we really look, these frauds were what really got Evolution rolling. Evolution is not true folks. The only contributions of Evolution can be found in the list above from 1856 to 1953. Its all a complete fraud."


"It might interest you to know that Darwin himself seems to have had profound unconscious worries about the consequences of his own theory. He suffered, as you may know, for most of his life from a mysterious and very debilitating condition which made his work difficult to carry out. No one has successfully defined what disease afflicted him, but a number of biographers have come to the conclusion that it was probably psychosomatic, a deep psychological distress at the recognition of what the full implications of his theory might mean. In fact, this worry was clearly an important factor in his decision to delay publishing his theory for almost fifteen years; he finally was forced to go public when another natural scientist, Wallace, came up with the same idea.

This problem of the prejudice against a central tenet of biological theory should concern you as would-be professional biologists, and it is far too simple to write that rejection of Darwin off as the result of ignorance or simple religious prejudice (although that may well be the case with many people). The fact is that what Darwin did in 1859 was the most revolutionary act in our intellectual history, and millions of people still find the consequences unsettling and unacceptable. I am going to attempt to tell you why. . . . . .

. . . . Very simply put, Darwin's theory is the culmination of a process which destroyed for ever for us the oldest classification system in our history, the way in which our culture since the Ancient Greeks had understood the world. This system was also a biological classification system, the oldest, most successful and influential system of thinking in our culture: the Great Chain of Being.

. . . . .As I mentioned at the start, I believe Darwin himself had a strong sense of these implications of his theory, and they bothered him. Given the strong religious views of his family, especially his wife, and his own moderately progressive political inclinations and generally equitable temperament, it would be very unlikely if he had not been deeply concerned. So one can understand his sickness and his long delay in publishing. But he was a true scientist and did not shrink from the implications of the enquiry he had set out upon such a long time before. We all, biologists and Liberal Studies teachers, have to live with the consequences.

I began this lecture by mentioning that many people in North America flatly refuse to accept Darwin's ideas. As a final footnote to this cursory discussion, one might observe that there is a Darwinian explanation for the refusal to accept Darwin. Given the very pessimistic conclusions about moral purpose to which his theory drives us, and given the importance of a sense of moral purpose in helping us cope with life, a refusal to believe Darwin's theory may have important survival value."




Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over all the earth, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Being created in God's image clearly separates us from animals, now we also know how the serpent 'beguiled' Eve & she did eat, then we have Genesis 6 to contend w/.

"Part of being made in God’s image is that Adam had the capacity to make free choices. Although he was given a righteous nature, Adam made an evil choice to rebel against his Creator. In so doing, Adam marred the image of God within himself, and he passed that damaged likeness on to all his descendants (Romans 5:12). Today, we still bear the image of God (James 3:9), but we also bear the scars of sin. Mentally, morally, socially, and physically, we show the effects of sin.

The good news is that when God redeems an individual, He begins to restore the original image of God, creating a “new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24). That redemption is only available by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior from the sin that separates us from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Through Christ, we are made new creations in the likeness of God (2 Corinthians 5:17)."


Unavoidable Realities We Must Deal With

The Hardest Article Ever Attempted

As Christians we face a very difficult future in defending our faith, particularly when you realize what you will soon be up against.  This article (or perhaps series of articles) will be “laced” with TONS of information from MANY SOURCES because the topic is far to vast to sum up.  Perhaps this was by “extraterrestrial” design.  But first let’s be clear about the word “extraterrestrial”.  In the context of this article it simply means “not of the earth”.  It more accurately means – not of this “dimension”.  Before you read onward, be advised, I am not alone in trying to raise the flag on this topic.  Other well known Christians are beginning to step forward. (Chuck Missler, Tom Horn, Michael S. Heiser, Stephen Quayle, etc.)  Each time I “hint” at sources of information (of which you can pursue further study) I will leave behind “key words” and sometimes link you to other sources.  You will need to do your own homework.  But be careful because there is an ocean of information available and it is DEEP in lies and deception.

Let’s start with Zechariah 5:1.  The NKJV of the Bible refers to this as the “Vision of the Flying Scroll”.
Zech 5:1-3 
5 Then I turned and raised my eyes, and saw there a flying scroll. 2 And he said to me, “What do you see?” So I answered, “I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits.” 3 Then he said to me, “This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth:
So I leave you with this verse to ponder.  What was it that Zechariah actually saw?  Yes God did write a curse on the object (Zech 5:3-4) but that is not the question.  Some translations identify this “object” as a flying “roll”.  The actual size is identified as 30 feet wide and 15 feet long.  Hmmm.  Why do you supposed the size of the object was important enough to mention? Why do you think God sent it across all the earth? Why was it “flying”?  Was it just one that God sent or was it a symbolic representation of many over time? If you are going to tackle this subject, particularly with scripture, you will need to really open your mind. (Think Acts 17:11) There are some really strange things that are about to be revealed.  Like it or not, you better start getting smart about this information now, or as a Christian you will be seen as a “real gullible idiot”.
 If it isn’t bad enough we have to contend with 1) dinosaurs, 2) earth’s actual age at millions of years, 3) carbon dating on archaeological finds, and 4) the Satanist Darwin and his lying “theory”, we will soon have to deal with this “UFO” nonsense.  Be careful here because I am not suggesting that people have not seen UFOs. I am positive there are millions of credible people who ”think” they were abducted by “aliens”. But what I am TELLING YOU  is that they are not “flying saucers” coming from other “planets”.  In fact a number of sources indicate they are far more likely “inter-dimensional” in their nature.  They are objects that can “move in and out” of dimensions that we, as humans, are not able to perceive.

 Boy is this complicated.  I’ve known about this subject for more than 2 years but hesitated to attempt tackling it because of its complexity.

The Great Deception of God

Tribulation-Now has taken on a challenge of monumental proportions.  As I started this research I mapped out on a white-board, all the major topics associated with this forthcoming “great delusion” to be sent by God.  It included the New World Order, the Occult, Ancient Civilizations (Sumerians), Bloodlines of Satanic Cultures (Black Nobility, Templars, etc.), and with GREAT HESITATION even this UFO topic (and ultimately discovered they are all “linked”). Indeed that was my most difficult mental battle.  While like everyone else I knew all about the Roswell incident and watched the History Channel specials on UFOs, I just could not accept in my mind that I would have to face up to them as reality. What really blew my mind was Nostradamus.  That was when I actually “blew a fuse”.  When I realized that the final writings of Nostradamus had vivid prophecies of UFOs and cosmic battles I actually tossed the reading aside and stopped all of my research for several months.  While I know that Nostradamus was not a stranger to the occult and practiced alchemy and hallucinogenic drug intoxication, (common amongst oracles and “seers” of the Satanic world), I DID NOT think he was predicting “flying saucers”.  For me that was the last straw.
But instead it was the door that opened my unbelieving eyes.



2 Thess 2:11-12 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The Paradox

In fact, the Government has known about this UFO / alien thing for quite some time.  But here is the hardest part of the paradox you must get your arms around before proceeding.  Satan, the deceiver, is much more powerful and clever than any of us might imagine.  And the Almighty God (YHWH) and he are at war.  They have been at war for at least 6 thousand years (since Adams seed), and some argue a LOT LONGER than that.  When you understand that God is eternal, and there are allusions to time dimension “gaps” throughout Genesis, it provides for an understanding that the earth is in fact millions of years old and the Bible does not record every part of the earth’s existence since God created “light”.  Keep in mind, during the end-times KNOWLEDGE increases substantially.  Welcome to some of that knowledge but be warned … time is short.
 You MUST understand the enemy’s tactics. The single most important TACTIC you must understand is the nature of the occult world.  All the occult groups use a pyramidic structure of “hidden knowledge”.  Only those “invited” into the upper echelon get to hear the whole story.  And only the tiny group at the very tip top get to actually “talk to Satan” and hear the “master plan” live and in person.  Each level (or degree) of these groups get told a “little more” as they (or if they) progress to the next level.  The rest are all given lies.    This means that every group of Satan’s army has a different ”degree” of information.  So ultimately they are ALL DECEIVED.  Depending on who you get information from, it will be different.  Many who think they are ”at the top” don’t know the half of the story.  So in any occult group, be it the Illuminati, the Masons, the Mormons, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Rosicrucians, the Brotherhood, the Jesuits, the Vatican, the CIA, Israeli Mossad, the MI6, the U.S. Military “Black Ops” – you NAME IT – there are millions of people who are “involved” but have NO UNDERSTANDING of the master plan.  Only the ultra-elite know.  The very chosen few.

(So you ask me … “How do I know”?  Two reasons.  The Holy Spirit of God in me and THREE YEARS of intense research down every dark alley of the enemy’s territory.  Hundreds of hours of lectures (at least a Ph.D.) I have more than $2000 dollars worth of books, lectures, DVDs, testimonies, etc. from every subject available.  And the method of ‘triangulating’ this research is what I refer to as the “Venn Diagram” method of study.  You keep and open mind and study the material from all the unrelated sources.  Satanists, New World Order, History, Mythology (which actually has more truth in it than you might imagine), Government Black Ops, Ancient Egypt, UFOs and alien abduction testimonies, AND GUESS WHAT?  They ALL have information that “intersects”!  They all have information that “correlates” and agrees on certain topics.  They all point straight back to the YHWH God and Jesus Christ.  Shocked?  Yep!  Me too – that’s why I am trying to write this article).
This is not only a war against the Jews and the Christians, but in fact a war against all mankind.  Satan does not like humans.  We are made in YHWH’s image.  In fact God has a master plan for all of us (who successfully pass this test on earth) and Satan doesn’t like that either.

Tough Love

Since the “fallen angels” (that’s a mis-interpretation by the way) of Genesis 6 that “raped” women of their choosing here on earth and gave birth to “Nephilim” (giants, men of great stature), Satan has been hard at work attacking the integrity of the human’s gene pool. THAT IS WHY God sent his people into the land of Canaan to slaughter men, women and children. This is not an issue of God being duplicitous in his loving nature. This has to do with a concept we have all forgotten about. Its a concept known as “Tough Love”.

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